From the New York Times online today: the top version uses “curriculums”. The bottom version is what I see after clicking: it’s missing “a” before “new curriculum”. Unless they really meant curricula/“curriculums”.
@grammartable @nyttypos
@grammartable @nyttypos Hmmm…I Googled it, and “curriculums” seems to be less popular but still considered correct🤮.
“Curriculum” without an article is 👎, though.
@grammartable No problem! This is from July 16: : “ for most of the show, she is flatly disinterested in commitment to a man.”
“Disinterested”? I expect more from the Gray Lady. Also, “Cosmopolitan” isn’t capitalized: Google confirmed my hunch that it should be.
I quit Twitter for the usual reason. I miss you, Typos of the NYT, and the NYT PitchBot the most.
@spradlig 💕💕💕