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Incidentally, engineers are often a lot of fun to cross-examine, because all you have to do is insinuate they might not be the smartest person in the room and they will absolutely burn anything and everything to the ground--including their own reports--to prove you wrong.

They can walk away from a deposition feeling like a million bucks, and then 6 months later be like "what, who is this 'Daubert' guy that the judge trusts over me?"

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NYT running an entire article on t***p’s possible mental state? C’mon, man.

“Inside Trump’s Decision to Skip the G.O.P. Debate

Fox News leaned on the former president privately and publicly to join the debate. But all the while he was proceeding with a plan for his own counterprogramming.”

Non-paywalled New York Times article on indictment of t***p and cronies in Fulton County, GA for election interference:
#trumpisacriminal #january6 #fascism

There is no reason that Hunter Biden should be the lede of 3 articles at the top of the NYT page. I wish I could say it was unbelievable, but it's not.

I keep thinking about how Google invested, keeps investing, billions of dollars in tools that functionally do little more than generate an unlimited supply of statistically plausible text completely disconnected from any that there's such a thing as truth or veracity or verifiability, and I have to imagine the search team just screaming into their pillows every night knowing it's going to destroy the company and everything it ever claimed to stand for.

Remember the New York Times’ obsession with Hillary Clinton’s e-mails during the 2016 election season? It turned out to be a giant nothing burger. This time, NYT is determined to make Hunter Biden a thing. Today and yesterday, they have published at least THREE articles (one by Peter Baker 😟) about Hunter. There is no indication that President Biden did anything wrong.

@Teri_Kanefield I generally wasn't worried about it until after he'd been indicted, arrested, arraigned, and in custody for serious federal crimes TWICE.

And they let him go.

Then I started wondering what the kid glove treatment was about.

I realize we can't just rush people into prison without going through the process, but "held pending trial" is a real thing that happens to real people (not billionaire former Presidents) as I understand it.

Like Reality Winner, who was a whistleblower and released only a single document.

There's probably a lot I don't understand here, legally.

But it does seem like a kid glove treatment.

I'm pleased to share that today I start a new 6 month part-time position as a Research Fellow in Music Technology at Sheffield University's Department of Computer Science.

I'll be continuing my work on Sonic Pi - taking it into an exciting new direction. Stay tuned for updates!

Hey. I was banned from for having interviewed at the NSA 13 years ago, when I was 20 years old. I'm grateful for a new home on mathstodon.

I am very unhappy with anyone who is going after the moderators personally for this and not just respectfully discussing the situation, and I'm personally extremely sorry if my Tweet inspired any of those actions. If I see this at all I will be escalating to SIGPLAN CARES.

In a recent post I mentioned working with the department of defense as faculty. I mean that in two capacities: (1) receiving DARPA grants for verification work, and (2) organizing a workshop through the department of defense on the security risks of generative AI for code. I am always public about this with students, and I always ask students before funding them on DARPA grants, making it clear I will source funding elsewhere if the student strongly opposes defense funding. This is the kind of thing I wanted to discuss after seeing Oppenheimer; I'm a bit bummed that instead I got banned for a post about something that happened 13 years ago, when I was not in the PL community at all, and basically lived under a rock with respect to everything except math, Dance Dance Revolution, and competitive running.

Anyways, hi, please help me rebuild my friend network here.

NEW: DeSantis' affordable housing director was suspended less than six months after getting the job.

One fired employee has filed a discrimination complaint, alleging they were fired after reporting "wrongdoing" and "irregular spending practices."

1. T***p says stupid thing
2. New York Times tells us all about it
3. Repeat

SHTOOOP! Nobody gives a shit. This is not *news*.

“Trump Cheers the Defeat of Rapinoe and the U.S. Women’s Soccer Team”

Just stopped by the dead bird site and now I feel like I need either a shower or an eyeball wash. So much of what I read there is bashing the site or its owner. If people hate it so much, why do they keep feeding it content? Let it die already.

Meanwhile TweetDeleter is slowly — and I do mean SLOWLY — deleting all of my tweets there. At its current rate, I suspect it’ll take about a year.

Don Moynihan explains the collapse of academic freedom in Texas:

“Why have faculty with research or critical thinking skills, if their job is merely to uncritically parrot the pronouncements of the regime?”

#Texas #HigherEd #TAMU

Well that sucks. The company behind Libby/Overdrive has been acquired by the same group that gutted Toys R Us:

This is exceptional bad news for libraries, which already strain against corpo nonsense to deliver digital materials.

This is real New York Times content, not the Pit chBot. I haven’t seen his take on it, so I’ll take a shot:

‘Trump tells his team “I am me as you are he and we are all together”. But, as the only defendant, is Trump the man with egg on his face?’

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