@shelldozer @TheNerdyMel @onceitwas @jerrylevine @pluralistic @framework RAM can be a huge problem when it doesn't work for whatever reason. Tried this multiple times with laptops and they didn't boot with the new ram. Apparently some bios versions only accept ram from certain vendors.
@humandemocracy Long story. I will explain when I get access to a decent keyboard
Often times people ask me, "But how do I learn about how ActivityPub works? Where do I get started?"
Friends! The ActivityPub spec itself is here to help you! There's a really lovely story-driven tutorial about ActivityPub right at the top of the spec in the "Overview" section! https://www.w3.org/TR/activitypub/#Overview
Give it a read! I tried really hard to make it easy to follow, and it has beautiful illustrations from @mray!
Are you polygamous or monogamous? /amorous? #Poll #Relationships
I'd argue it is quite hard if not even impossible to do research in #quantum communication without involving Chinese researchers. What do you think?
@bitsavers Sounds very delicious. I need to try this.
@bitsavers Pizza?
Related, very exciting: a full Jupyter notebook including #Python and Numpy and math libs running *entirely* in browser—no server.
They compiled the Python runtime plus and Numpy and FORTRAN libs to #WebAssembly. It all runs in your browser.
This is kind of the opposite route from Gitpod, whom you go to to reduce the burden of server config and management. With things like #JupyterLite, you minimize build/config problems *and* keep your computers.
Die Gas- und Strommärkte sind außer Rand und Band. Es wird Zeit, eine neue Ära einzuläuten und sich von der Profitlogik der Branche zu verabschieden. http://www.taz.de/!5893298/
@shroombab @kattascha Gott, ich hasse diesen ganzen Esomist. Das Beste, was ich entdeckt habe, war ein Gülle-Vitalisierer. Der war echt nice. So ein Müll.
@shroombab Guten Appetit, jetzt hier auch 🙂
Beautiful soundtrack for an amazing saturday <3
Redoing my #Introduction since I’m on a new server.
Hi! After studying chemistry, I’ve spent the last twenty five years in IT, first as a #Web1.0 programmer and #sysop during the 90’s, then in #itsupport and #dataanalyst roles this century.
I read “My Side of the Mountain” and “The Mysterious Island” as a kid and have always been fascinated with a diy approach to civilization: #camping, #gardening, #hamradio, and #brewing.
I am a #Quantum Applications #Scientist in industry. I spend my days understanding the nooks and crannies of quantum hardware and designing software algorithms that enable quantum computers to approach various industrial and scientific problems.
I am also an avid break baker :)! I mill my own flour and everything.
Watching #StrangerThings and wondering what I might have done in the 80s? Being a bored housewife like Mike's mom with nice 80s hair cut or working as a physicist for Dr. Brenner? My bf (husband in the 80s?) would probably have worked repairing radios and TVs.
@tatzelbrumm Hübsche Karrikatur. Wo hast du die her? Und wer zum Geier ist der Typ auf dem Foto? Du sahest beim letzten Treffen irgendwie anders aus :D
I am a #Berlin based quantum information scientist with a Masters degree in #physics. My research topic is quantum computing and if you have any questions about it feel free to reach out. In my free time I am interested in demography, climate change, psychopharmacology, biophysics, IT security, computers in general and trying out various shades of lipstick. I toot mostly in German, sometimes in English, depending on the topic and my mood. And yes, I belong to the lazy species of people that comments their code in their native language, in my case German.
My first post here. Tipping my toes into the water. I'm in my 8th year of being disabled by #mecfs. Interested in research and others with #mecfs and also #LongCovid.
Quantum physicist and hacker. Owner of a cute sweetie