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LEAK: Wir suchen bei den @ubernauten eine Softwareentwicklerin und ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn es diesmal wirklich eine Frau wird. Wenn du also denkst die Stelle könnte irgendwie auf dich passen, du aber Fragen oder Zweifel hast: Schreib mir gerne deine Fragen und ich versuche sie zu beantworten. Alternativ auch einfach an die Mail Adresse in der Jobanzeige. Ich freue mich schon!

I love the guy I'm dating but he studies . Should that be a turn-off? Does that mean that he is weird or a nerd?

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9,793,420 accounts
+276 in the last hour
+6,731 in the last day
+51,310 in the last week

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Filz, das war mal Markenzeichen der CDU/CSU. Jetzt mischt auch SPD vorne mit. Deutschland ist auf dem Weg, Europas abgewetztes Sofa zu werden.

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Am kommenden Mittwoch um 20 Uhr finden das nächste offene Treffen und die Vorstandssitzung für Mitglieder und Interessierte statt. Weitere Infos und die Tagesordnung stehen wie gewohnt auf der Website:

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Today on the first day of Women’s History Month I learned that after no fault divorce was finally legalized in 1970, female suicide rates dropped 20%🤯

The "strong 1950s family unit" that the GOP is nostalgic about ignores record high female suicide, suffocating domestic violence, & zero female financial autonomy.

But maybe that's GOP's goal all along?🤔

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Turns out the existence of an "alpha" wolf is a myth.

It was based on old/bad experiments, conducted when unrelated wolves were thrown together in captivity.

In actual wild wolves, packs are just families. There's no dominant alpha battling for the top spot -- and in the rare cases there is, it's an alpha *female* wolf.

Insert obvious implications for the use of this term in human societies.

Wenn mein Süßer erstmal die sexy Karre holt, um mich von A nach B zu bringen <3

Dear World, I have to confess

I speak the same language like Hitler, Goebbels and the Kaiser. The same language that gifted us words like Blitzkrieg and doppelganger.

I live in the city in which radioactivity was discovered. I live in the city where the holocaust was decided, quite close to that place actually. The building where the holocaust was decided is less than 5 miles from my home.

Some guy from my home town decided to transport Lenin to Russia which helped start the Revolution. Some guy from my country gave the secret on how to build nuclear bombs to the Soviets. Some guy from my home country gave the world Communism. Some guy from my home town helped start a world war. Another guy who lived in my home town for a while decided to start another world war.

Yet I do love this town and my language.

Why are we always reaching for the stars?

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Uns fehlen im Moment weit über 350 Laptops! Allein in den letzten vier Tagen gingen über 100 Anfragen nach Laptops bei uns ein.
Von daher würden wir uns im Moment nicht nur um #Spenden von Einzelpersonen, sondern v. a. auch über Spenden von Unternehmen freuen, die uns gleich mehrere Geräte auf einen Schlag überreichen könnten.
Vielleicht habt ihr ja zufällig Kontakte zu Personen, die für eine Unternehmens-IT zuständig sind und unser Vorhaben unterstützenswert finden. Das wäre eine große Hilfe. 🧡

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here my ... I am principal investigator at Düsseldorf and researching and developing photoreceptors and enzymes for use and … i am also an enthusiast holding a trying to implement into university … on a sidenote, I love and and

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Soll ich euch mal sagen, was auch emotional echt erstaunlich viel ausmacht? Der staatliche Zuschuss zur Rente für pflegende #Angehörige. Auch wenn es so viel gibt was man besser machen könnte. Das ist wenigstens ein kleiner Funke Anerkennung und Beruhigung (in Sachen eigener Zukunft) seitens des Staates. Und das macht einen riesen Unterschied. Ich darf nur nicht drüber nachdenken, wie es sein könnte, wenn Menschen mit Behinderung und deren Angehörige wirklich kriegen würden was sie für ein würdevolles Leben brauchen. Wenn allein schon der Rentenzuschuss so einen großen Unterschied im Gefühl macht. Was da alles möglich wäre. Trotzdem Danke an die Politik, die hier zumindest mal einen Schritt in die richtige Richtung gegangen ist.

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CW Long post. (Original content)

The coming ‘depopulation bomb’

A moral transformation, rather than social policies, will stop the de-population bomb claims Dr Nicholas Eberstadt, an expert in demography, in a new interview called the ‘De-Population Bomb’.

For years we have been warned of the dangers of an increasing world population (the so-called ‘population bomb’), but what happens when it shrinks, instead? This is already happening in many Western countries, he points out. Ireland has a fast-ageing population. Only large-scale immigration will stop it shrinking in the years ahead.

The United States, for example, was at replacement level (2.1 children per couple) or slightly above up to 2008. This means that there were sufficient births to compensate deaths, without taking into consideration immigration. Since then, the number of births per woman has gone down, particularly during the Covid pandemic. Ireland fertility rate is now about 1.7.

“If current trends continue, the United States would be on a track to shrink 20 percent for each generation”, warns Eberstadt, who a scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and author of several studies on demography.

The European Union, Russia and China are experiencing the same demographic decline. So is all of East Asia, lead by Japan.

In Ireland, as Budget 2023 was being unveiled last week, the Department of Finance said that to maintain the current levels of public service we need an additional €8 billion in public expenditure each year by 2030.

“An ageing population will involve significant fiscal costs simply to ‘stand-still’”, said a risk assessment document.

In simple words, we need more young people working for the rest, particularly for those who have retired. Ideally, the size of the younger generations should exceed older ones but our demographic trends are going in the opposite direction.

Dr Eberstadt claims that the US federal spending is becoming untenable. “Today’s consumption for seniors is being financed by the unborn”.

One solution is more immigration, he says, but, even without considering the morality of depriving poorer countries of their workforce, this population policy does not always succeed in its intended purposes. He comments on the European experience: “The work rates are lower for the foreign-born than for the native-born in most European countries, the educational qualifications of working-age Europeans are typically lower for the foreign-born, and “non-EU foreign-born” youth are far more likely to be neither employed nor in education or training. The EU’s assimilation problem also looks to be intergenerational: throughout Europe, children of non-EU immigrants are generally more likely than their parents — not less likely — to see themselves as victims of group discrimination.”

In other words, large sections of the immigrant populations of parts of Europe are experiencing alienation, which often drives crime rates, and then voter backlash, as we have seen recently in Sweden.

Assimilation works better in the United States, Eberstadt claims, but immigration cannot be the only population policy to maintain demographic sustainability.

Dr Eberstadt is sceptical about subsidies and tax relief for families. He claims that “incentives to boost birth rates are likely to be costly and to elicit only modest and perhaps fleeting demographic results”.

Referring to the Scandinavian experience, where birth rates are mostly high relative to the European average (but still below replacement level), he talks about the “Swedish roller coaster”, i.e. the birth rate goes up just after a new subsidy is introduced, but then it goes back further below where it was before. What has to be changed instead, he maintains, is the people’s desire about the size of their families. This has been previously pointed out in this Iona Institute blog:

The best indicator for fertility rates is how many children women want, but this does not depend on economic conditions. Richer people do not have more children. The most affluent and productive society that humanity has ever seen has also the lowest fertility rates.

“Children are not convenient. We have moved into a world in which convenience is prized and in which constraints on personal autonomy are increasingly viewed as onerous”.

What is needed instead is a change in values. The desire for larger families depends on the appreciation of family values.

Dr Eberstadt believes that an ageing and declining population will experience the opposite: pessimism, hesitance, dependence, self-indulgence, resentment, and division.

We can change the head count with immigration, but it will work only temporarily if immigrants embrace the same mentality that causes depopulation, he says. We need instead a moral transformation so that people are confident and brave enough to maintain a natural rate of replacement for society.

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Und dann war ja diese Woche auch noch irgendwas mit Mond. #artemismission
Buzz Aldrin, bisschen underrated als 2. Mann auf dem Mond.

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