🐘 My own baby elephant? 🐘
I’ve learned from @dries that it’s rather easy to host your own Mastodon server.
(For example at @mastohost; currently no new subscriptions though.)
That this fits into what @aral calls “the small web”. https://ar.al/2020/08/07/what-is-the-small-web/
I am very much considering this. 20 years ago I registered the domain name “verbeeld.be” (meaning “imagine/d”) and use it for mail and weblogging. Why not use it for tooting too?
After all, if "fiscal conservativism" fails, then the rich will struggle to find people willing to camp out for a week to get them a spot at the front of the line for Hamilton tickets and vaccines:
The alliance of the wealthy and cruel with the religious and cruel means that anyone who thwarts forced-birth laws needs to fear both private and state retribution, and must take steps to evade ubiquitous surveillance from the merger of ad-tech and policing.
Are any poly people here from the #CCC?
Es sind nur noch 8 Tage bis zu den groß Demonstrationen am 23.03 gegen #Artikel11 & #Artikel13
Demos finden statt unter anderem in großen Städten wie:
Mehr Städte, Uhrzeiten, Orte: https://www.savetheinternet.info/demos
Gesetzesentwurf zu Strafrecht und Darknet: "Paragraf würde Bürgerrechte sehr stark einschränken" http://dlvr.it/R0vPNT
Quantum physicist and hacker. Owner of a cute sweetie