Masza inspecting a sluice on a channel that is draining our #wetlands
#IdąPsięta #DogsOfMosstodon #DogsOfMastodon
@szescstopni (Puts on Dorothy voice) Are you a *good* wetlands drainage system or a *bad* wetlands drainage system?
@gorfram That depends on who you ask. Farmers are happy. Owners of fish ponds are happy. Nature is fucked.
@szescstopni Figured that was probably the deal.
(You know, when comes right down to it, I bet those flying monkeys had a pretty decent gig going with The Witch In The West.)
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@szescstopni Figured that was probably the deal.
(You know, when comes right down to it, I bet those flying monkeys had a pretty decent gig going with The Witch In The West.)