Day one of this year's battle with Canadian goldenrod, Solidago canadensis (a bit late, I know). I decided not to use a brushcutter for a number of reasons. Cutting the plants would leave sharp stumps of stems in the ground. Not that I walk around barefoot, but our dogs, #IdąPsięta, do. Tearing the plants out by hand is easy in most areas, thanks to their shallow roots. It also gives me a chance to think and not remove the few other plants that goldenrod was suppressing. Even the nettles. Nettles are stingy, but nice.
I managed to get a glimpse of the owner of the nest: Eurasian harvest mouse (Micromys minutus)
@szescstopni Kurcze, całe dzieciństwo widywałem gniazda badylarki, ale pierwszy raz widzę samą myszkę. Śliczna!