Ok, look: I know it feels bad being "accused" of #mansplaining. I know that most of the time we're "just trying to be helpful." I've been on both sides of this.

Here's the thing — if the person you're trying to be helpful to tells you that you are not being helpful, that's that. Accept it, apologize, and move on. 👈

Trying to "explain" and "clarify" will only make you look more like a jerk. Just don't. ✋

Instead, you can go and (re)read this stellar piece of advice:
anotherangrywoman.com/2023/01/ 👀


@rysiek This happens to me once in a while. Most of our rural broadband customer here in Eastern Poland are farmers or technical workers, or coal miners, but then you get an expert on BGP . And some of the young farmers know a lot about connecting to the Internet – they've been struggling to get reasonable performance from shitty connections for years. And if they do need advice I try to find out what is it that they don't understand and work through the problem.

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