For a few years I posted lies about #Polesia on Twitter. Now I'm thinking of resurrecting them here. Many of them were puns in Polish, practically impossible to translate. Some had cultural references that need explanation, but I'm willing to explain them – I have much more space here.
This was the first lie:
Szerszenie próbujące się dostać do butelki z piwem można łatwo odstraszyć naśladując dźwięki polującego nietoperza.
Hornets trying to get inside a bottle of beer can be easily scared of by imitating the sounds of a hunting bat.
The tweet that started #PolesianLies stated "one small lie for every like of this tweet". I had to make up over 300 lies. I'm not going to fall into the Goodhart's law trap. There will be only as many lies as I can handle. Unless the poll results in my deleting this account.