I love the guy I'm dating but he studies #physics. Should that be a turn-off? Does that mean that he is weird or a nerd?
@sycramore I'm pretty sure I studied physics so I mean, y'know.
@screwtape Fun fact - I am a physicist as well (finished my degree :D) and no guy ever complained so far. I just wanted to troll a bit.
@sycramore I guess uncle implies man ... I actually didn't submit my research MoE thesis (a long time ago). I was going to talk about The Strangest Man stereotypes, both Feynmans and how depending on subtopic stereotypes not being accurate ;p
@screwtape MoE = Master of Engineering? That is not physics :-) ?
What exactly is the Strangest Man? I didn't read Feynman stuff yet, sorry.
@sycramore I meant my bachelors was in physics. I thought it's normal to do an MoE and go on back to real physics. The Strangest Man was a biography of Dirac. Unrelatedly Feynman's sister was also a physicist.
@screwtape Ah I see, sorry. I'm from Germany, we normally don't switch Masters like that. Ok, some of us start with physics and then do niche stuff like computational sciences or biophysics or AI masters but most of us stay with one field for the rest of their studies.
Maybe I should read the Strangest Man?
I always felt like a stranger to most normal people and in the hacker scene all the dudes complained about me being female but the physicists are quite nice. And sooooo weird :D
I finally settled on quantum computing and my bf doesn't know yet what he wants to do. :D
@screwtape @sycramore
War Dirac ein Spinner?