I love the guy I'm dating but he studies #physics. Should that be a turn-off? Does that mean that he is weird or a nerd?
@sycramore I'm pretty sure I studied physics so I mean, y'know.
@screwtape Fun fact - I am a physicist as well (finished my degree :D) and no guy ever complained so far. I just wanted to troll a bit.
@sycramore I guess uncle implies man ... I actually didn't submit my research MoE thesis (a long time ago). I was going to talk about The Strangest Man stereotypes, both Feynmans and how depending on subtopic stereotypes not being accurate ;p
@screwtape MoE = Master of Engineering? That is not physics :-) ?
What exactly is the Strangest Man? I didn't read Feynman stuff yet, sorry.
@screwtape @sycramore
Oops, I caught myself a follower.
Are you the Wolfman?