
@alex @Sandra I guess the reacted, but late, to "Tivoization" (does anyone remember!) and network effects. The most effective control I have heard of is the criteria, that can flag silos (AGPL can't).

Free cloud and services were the killers. All the AGPL'd 4opens code in the world can't obviate the non-volunteer-time expenses of having to run a non-siloed service (self-hosting isn't mainstream).


@alex @Sandra

If you zoom out, maybe cloning existing tech was the mistake. Why did need to clone anything beyond cc, ld and libc? Instead of creating e.g. an Eiffel clone in Sather, they could have doubled down on, say, 1 Lisp (GCL, Emacs Lisp, Guile, whatever) and got to building applications on top.

In this smartphone and webapp age, we still have lots of F/OSS clones of commercial services.

Maybe we need(ed) many more well-thought-out projects like / .


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