"... a high school student working in UC Davis Chemistry professor Ting Guo’s lab in 2010 alleged in a police report filed in 2018 that she was sexually assaulted by him multiple times. In 2020, she filed a lawsuit against Professor Guo and The Board of Regents of the University of California, Davis. UC Davis continued to allow Professor Guo access to high school students via the Youth Scholars Program even after finding out about the serious allegations against him. Recently, websites of the Youth Scholars Program have been altered or deleted to remove any evidence showing that Professor Guo was ever a mentor in the program.
How many more such cases are there that have not see the light of day because evidence was more effectively tampered with? How many universities are wiping their records to hide evidence of their negligence in protecting students? How many more women must suffer? Will we ever see the end?"
Ting Guo, sexual assault allegations, and the UC Davis Young Scholars Program | Bits of DNA https://liorpachter.wordpress.com/2023/01/12/ting-guo-sexual-assault-allegations-and-the-uc-davis-young-scholars-program/
Quando un'università occulta il nome di un suo professore accusato di violenza sessuale da un programma di studi, sta deliberatamente proteggendo un perpetratore e mettendo a rischio altre studentesse.
Con disprezzo di codici di condotta e trasparenza: il cattivo esempio, difficile anche solo da leggere, dell'Università californiana UC Davis.