@x_cli how would a consensus protocol help with moderation? 🧐 What was your idea?
@netbroom Centralized denylists (a.k.a. RBL) are subject to arbitrary decisions. We have seen this several times in the past for emails. By using a consensus protocol, that is resistant to byzantine failures, we could reduce the risk of arbitrary decisions. Problem is that most byzantine protocols are distributed but we still have to believe a specific set of "generals" that were chosen by a central authority. Federated Byzantine Agreement might be interesting to explore. This was introduced with the Stellar Consensus Protocol but I believe it could be used for other purposes.
@x_cli But the main part of the blocklist problem is social – what evidence is needed for a server to decide to block? BFT only solves a minor technical subproblem (eventual consistency) of the whole problem, and even that problem is not strictly necessary to be solved in practice – if the evidence (in whatever form) is published openly then usually it's enough for specific servers to attempt acquiring it and make a decision locally based on the evidence they manage to access. The "making a decision" part is hard, the evidence aggregation less so.
So if I'm right (I might have misunderstood your proposal) I am sad to inform you that you committed the Cardinal Sin of Cryptobros – proposing a technical solution for a relatively simple part of a mostly social problem. ;<
// Also, this is probably not even Sybil-resistant, but I don't remember Stellar well enough to be absolutely sure.
@x_cli Ah, I would prefer not to disclose my precise involvement, suffice to say I have (for silly reasons) strong financial incentives to shill for cryptocurrency, but I am almost exclusively critical of it, I hope that is alright. ">_>
And consensus algorithms are quite fascinating! So are the social problems that they might provide small assistance in solving, but imo they require much more social technology rather than computer science.
Yeah, no worries. This kind of disclosure is expected from people that are saying that something about a cryptocurrency is interesting. I was not expecting you would reciprocate 😉