"It’s a grim irony that, by insisting on a “feminism” without any trans women in it, TERFs have wound up constructing the tool by which fascists aim to destroy feminism altogether."
"TERFs’ insistence on “biological sex” as an immutable binary […] may make it easier to convince them of other biological hierarchies. Their insistence on seeing trans women as “violent men,” in particular, can be weaponized against men of colour and turned into overt white supremacy."
@chjara I'm pretty sure that's fine as long as you are plotting to overthrow the gods you believe in.
@drybonesofficial Definitely the best movie about filing your taxes.
@moonbolt Would this include a somewhat modified Tom Lehrer cover? :D
OMG! I'm so excited to announce that through my work at @spritelyinst we've published A Scheme Primer: https://spritely.institute/news/the-spritely-institute-publishes-a-scheme-primer.html
Direct link: https://spritely.institute/static/papers/scheme-primer.html
This document manages to serve two purposes:
- As a quick skim, it's a reasonable intro to "how to start programming with Scheme with no prior experience". Hey, tutorials are useful!
- But also, in less than 30 pages we manage to compress a TON of computer science ideas in a way that I think is really, really approachable.
The document ends with a code example, and full walkthrough, of a Scheme interpreter written in Scheme... in a mere 30 lines of code! It's like 3/4 of Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs compressed into a document you could read in an afternoon!
opinion by relatively experienced programmer for whom this was the first serious view at a lisp
@cwebber I've read through the whole thing and I have some criticisms, but in general thanks for creating this, it was definitely educational!
First some small editorial things: is one place you say "square root" where I believe you mean "square", and one of the "eval" examples seems to be missing a "'()" as the second argument.
As for didactic value the whole thing is written quite well, with only two problems imo: 1. some of the later examples are underexplained -- this is kinda ok if you want readers to figure out what they are about themselves, but this should probably be specified explicitly and probably clashes with the goal of this being accessible for inexperienced programmers, 2. the connection between lists and quoting is present implicitly but never explored explicitly -- I don't know much about it, but I suspect it might be too involved of a topic for the main text, so maybe mentioning it in a footnote with a link to further reading would be good?
As for Scheme itself it looks cool, but I'm unable to treat any language that is not strongly statically typed seriously. D; Also pattern matching not being a build in feature feels weird, but I respect that it can be added easily. (I also understand and respect the decisions behind typing, I just disagree with them. >:)
Once again thanks for writing this, if I ever need to point someone to a quick primer about Scheme this is an invaluable resource!
I've discovered that you can in fact de-acclimatize yourself to advertising, largely from removing exposure fairly consistently over a long period of time.
The problem with that is the intense sense of alienation and distaste you get when exposed (for whatever reason) again.
Curating your own sensory inputs at the cost of being naturalized to the consensus human experience. Yikes.
@schratze It's more that I wasn't able to gender any of their characteristics. Long curly hair, a calm quiet voice, unclear state of facial hair. The latter was partially due to them sitting in front of a window which bathed them in an otherworldly light -- not only did this partially obscure any gendered features, but also clearly underlined the inherent angelic and/or demonic nature common to all enbies.
@moonbolt I think I have yet to read something with a non-female witch -- do you have any examples of that?
As for the converse, Equal Rites is cool, although it's annoying that it doesn't seem to have impacted the world in the following books.
@schratze I recently had a job interview where the interviewer gave off big enby energy. Later checked on their webpage and yeah, nonbinary.
@chjara If you ever played dorf fort it will feel like a hollowed out version of that, albeit with a massively improved interface.
If you never did, but wanted it might be a good idea though.
@schratze Fun bird fact as a counterargument to orange -- the history of the European Robin's name.
@chjara Some people claim the bible is correct about everything, so this is a good argument against that. This is not a hypothetical, I like talking with JWs, and one pair of them claimed the main reason he converted was how incredibly correct the bible was about everything. >_>
Programmer and researcher,. Ended up working with all the current buzzwords: #ai #aisafety #ml #deeplearning #cryptocurrency
Other interests include #sewing, being #lesswrong, reading #hardsf, playing #boardgames and omitting stuff on lists.
Oh, and trans rights, duh.
Header image by @WhiteShield@livellosegreto.it .
Heheh, gentoo, heh, nonbinary, heheheh... I'm so easily amused sometimes.