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timorl boosted
timorl boosted

systems thinking taught me to see the gods behind the deeds, the fleshless spirits in the patterns of our collective works and how they work their disembodied wills to propagate and entrench, and thus has made me incomprehensible to liberals

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This week I:

🛰️ spent ages talking to journalists about the DART Mission, only for them to either not credit me or call my boss and quote him instead.

🏆 won a competition round and placed in another to now become an Australian representative at a large International competition, but got no press about it.

📡 was scrubbed from or not mentioned in all media releases about a huge grant project I spearheaded at work that is based almost entirely on my labour.

Most weeks it doesn’t get to me, but sometimes it is pretty depressingly thankless to be a young woman in academia.

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Zacząłem pisać posta o Bombie Megabitowej i wyszedł mi na tyle długi rant/recenzja/relacja że postanowiłem go rozbić na trzy części. Dzisiaj przede wszystkim rant.

#ekofikcje #scifi #fantastyka #climatefiction (hasztagi mylące, bo fantastyki za bardzo w tym poście nie ma, a powinna być)

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timorl boosted

Just FYI a gay dude born in a Japanese internment camp went on to participate in just about every major social movement from the 1960s to 1990s and co-wrote a book with Buckminster Fuller and babysat MLK Jr's kids and generally lived a life of fun and crime and yet no one has made a single movie about the guy:
I especially enjoy his Fuck the Draft ad, which could be sent to a select group of "mother__s" if you ordered 5 or more posters.

timorl boosted
I propose banning all advertising as an energy saving measure
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Coraz częściej nowe technologie są używane do pogarszania wygody i jakości urządzeń, którymi się posługujemy na co dzień. Obecność mikroprocesorów i łączności z Internetem powoduje, że urządzenia technicznie potrafią robić więcej — ale ich potencjał jest sztucznie ograniczany, aby pomóc zmaksymalizować zyski producenta, kosztem użytkowników. To zjawisko nie ominęło branży motoryzacyjnej. 🚗

timorl boosted
**September 24:**
Rumors about border closing in the nearest time were getting unbearable, @oss and me canceled all our plans about escaping safely in October to go the most obvious and mainstream plan: Vladikavkaz -> Verkhnii Lars -> Tbilisi
through land border control checkpoint.
**Spoilers: mainstream options are always the worst, I SHOULD HAVE KNOWN THAT SOONER.**

We panicked and bought the last remaining tickets to the Vladikavkaz on the evening of 26th, in two days from there!! fucking hell

**September 26:**
**18:35; 57km to the border.**
We landed in Vladikavkaz and caught a taxi driver asap, someone from the natives, he immediately suggested to drive us to the first traffic police point on the way to the great escape. The town is quite small but even so the traffic was quite overloaded. Guess why :')

**19:30; 27km to the border.**
We started walking on our own until we reached the first group of locals selling seats in cars to the beginning of the insane traffic jam on the border (it was about 18km long at that time), we bought 2 ofc, it's not like we had time to walk all the way.

**20:10; 18km to the border.**
The beginning of the traffic jam. A lot of locals were selling secondhand bicycles. We met a guy walking alone and he looked like a programmer. Yes, turned out he was a programmer. We decided to group up and walk together. The spirit was high, we joked around and talked about stuff, were walking mildly, not in hurry. The jam was dead locked. Machines seemed to move 1 place per 30 minutes. Poor drivers... they had to stay like that for days, almost a whole week. Just imagine the absurd of the situation.

**22:00; 9.8km to the border.**
We reached Chmi and the first inspection point. Some cops asked for passports to identify illegal or 'extremist' people. Also they were intimidating people. Like "haaa you running away too, fucking scumbags, weaklings. what would you do if we drafted you all right now? you want that? pissed your pants kids?" Guess they are just bored so they let off steam on tired and scared people like us. Disgusting. They said a lot of horrible things but in the end they let us go. The third guy was forced to bribe the official to get his passport back. Literally. It's as bad there right now. The mood immediately got dark and we decided to hurry and do the marching throw to the border to at least get to there at midnight.

**September 27**
**00:30; Ru-border control checkpoint**
Verkhnii Lars. We couldn't feel our legs, our whole bodies hurt from feet to shoulders and neck. The scenery was infernal. Crowds, thousands of people, cars, police sirens, the atmosphere screams in panic. Locals suggested to drive you to the border control in the line for 100k rubles per one person. Some suggested that for 200k. The more desperate the situation the higher the prices. People agreed and still do as I am typing it. We decided to get in the line of 'walkers', people trying to cross the border without wheels.

We realized we were not to make it alive. The line was about 900m long at that moment, we moved in only like, 1/6 of it. We were cold, we were super tired both mentally and physically, in the middle of nowhere surrounded by crowds of people in despair and fear. I decided that losing some money is acceptable to end this hell sooner. I started to knock in car windows close to the border control and ask whether they had a place for 3 almost dead bodies with semi-light luggage.

Found. A man and woman agreed to escort us through all border controls and deliver to Tblisi for 30k (per person ofc), it was incompatibly smaller, so we agreed. And we were almost to able to even simply stand and we started to freeze. A good deal.

**08:30; Ru passport control**
The car line was moving faster than the 'walkers' line. Made it in 3 hours! There we were at the most critical point. At that moment any of us could easily get actual draft invitation and get forbid from leaving the country at all due to military service requirements. Gotta admit I thought I was gonna die from panic. Imagine going so far to get DRAFTED in the very end (spoiler, it was not the very end).

A lot of intimidation, humiliation and mocking, again. "Do you know that running away from the country is such times is betrayal?! Do you know we could get you in jail for that?! Have you thought about that? have you thought about your family?!" etc etc. They let everyone go nevertheless, no matter what. It's just to cast on you even more despair after all these hours in the line. They know people are tired. They know they the people had to walk for hours and then stand in the line on cold in mountains for a dozen of hours to get there. And they fucking enjoyed it. Pieces of shit, I am sorry, but I let myself be emotional here. But I am kinda grateful, because it's the **hatred** for these people was the thing that kept us on in the first place. **Hatred** is the will to live. Remember that.

**09:30; Neutral zone from Russia to Georgia**
We immediately stuck in a jam. Nerves were going insane, I wanted to sleep but couldn't because the previous passport control section got on me deep and I couldn't stop panicking even though the Russia was far behind. @oss managed to finally take a nap in the car, I was just sitting there, playing the events over and over in my head. Also the image of thousands of cold and as scared people behind, piling on and on in the 900m line to the border control we just passed... check out the pic of the night line. sorry for bad quality it's midnight and my camera is shit

Took the first and the last nap during the whole trip, just for about 40 minutes. Talked a lot with the people escorting us. Even though they took quite a lot of money from us (though in comparison to what was happening on the border it was almost nothing), the turned out to be a lot nicer as people, they shared breakfast and snacks with us and it was nice to chat about this and that. It's not like we had a lot to do in the jam. The atmosphere outside was scary. People were nervous after spending a week in the jam from Vladikavkaz, a lot of arguing, shouting... fights. But hey, the mounstains were hella beautiful!!! check out the pics

The end of neutral zone jam. The beginning of another 'walkers' line. 5 times bigger than the previous one. You can't imagine how many people were there, you CAN'T IMAGINE. It was about a whole kilometer in length and about 20-to-40 people in width. But overall it was chaos. People were awake on their legs for 2 and more days, it's... just horrid. And there they were to stay another day in that line. Literally another whole fucking day. No way you could get past a thousands people line to passport border control in less that 20 hours (optimistically). At least there they were receiving basic humanitarian help like water and stuff. Check out the day line pic. It's 1/10 of the whole amount of people

**17:00; Georgia passport control**
They didn't ask anything at all: they silently give practically anyone a stamp and let you in the country.

I am sure for all these thousands and thousands and THOUSANDS of people the Verkhnii Lars became one of the most horrid memories, I am sure a lot of them spent at 2 whole days on their legs, waiting for the infinite lines to passport controls on mountain cold. Jesus fucking christ.

Anyway, I just thought it's a story to tell you guys, you decide what you gotta feel about it.

Thank you.
timorl boosted

I keep having dreams about a softly robo-furry cooperative RTS game. I'm afraid it will keep haunting my dreams until it's reified irl, which likely means forever. D:

I blame fedi, obviously.

timorl boosted

Talking about pronouns | discussion | boost please!! 

@Restraint The easiest thing is when their pronouns are in their profile so you can just look them up.

There /is/ something to be said for not /asking/ creatures their pronouns. (/Definitely/ don't use whether you think they're trans to decide whether to ask.) But what you can do is give /your/ pronouns proactively—right after your name when you introduce yourself. This is a hint that they should also give theirs. Doing this as a cis creature normalizes pronoun exchange, which is good.

If you're missing somecreature's pronouns, use they/them, the fallback pronouns.

timorl boosted
The image in this post displays its own MD5 hash.

You can download and hash it yourself, and it should still match - 1337e2ef42b9bee8de06a4d223a51337

I think this is the first PNG/MD5 hashquine.

fawning over LaTeX, probably insufferable 

Whoop, adding one more level of abuse now, but this time I actually expect it to work, even though it's weird.

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fawning over LaTeX, probably insufferable 

Gods, I love LaTeX. I wrote something that I wasn't sure would work, and then hacked one more piece that felt like cheating and I expected it to fail, but no, turns out \newcommand just does rewrites, so everything works out of the box as I dreamed up. Lovely!

timorl boosted

I like how the real reason we still have a gender (sex) marker in passports is that it would be too much work to update all the software. Namely, I'm sure the collective of stereotypical trans girls can work out a deal where the government supplies the programmer socks and we fix their systems.

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timorl boosted

Maybe someone on fedi knows of any formalizations of probability theory in homotopy type theory? Any other type theory might be useful as well.

Maybe someone on fedi knows of any formalizations of probability theory in homotopy type theory? Any other type theory might be useful as well.

timorl boosted

btw my new video with @powderpaint is absolutely kickass go watch it if you haven't already

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corporations, reality is horrible, mentions of various very bad things that happen often 

I propose that from now on, every time some corporation gets all self-congratulatory on social media, we respond with an uptempo “You're Almost Done!” and a list of every issue that the company still has. Every privacy violation, every anti-security-research policy, every hiring bias, every toxic workplace dynamic, every union-busting practice, every contract for blood resources, every user-facing process that's racist or classist or transmisic.

Rainbow capitalism posts. Posts about how progressive and inclusive it is. Posts about how it's improved its workplace. Posts about the cool new feature you'll love.

List all its failings, and say—like they say to us—#YoureAlmostDone!

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