tobychev boosted

Dark matter glowing in the Galactic Center? After a multitude of tests & methods, a large group of us previously working independently got together to robustly check claims that the best models prefer dark matter. We find that the best diffuse models attribute the excess emission to be associated with the population of stars in the Galactic Center, a conclusion that is robust to many different choices of masking the Galactic plane & point sources. #ParticlePhysics


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In the same article where he admitted that he still doesn't have a plan for North Carolina's farm future after two decades in the job, my opponent found a new villain to blame for our state losing so much farmland:

Solar panels!

(The article:

tobychev boosted

🇪🇺 There's a petition to the EU asking for a European wealth tax to finance the social and climate transition and help countries hit by climate change.

Initiated by Marlene Engelhorn und Thomas Piketty, among others.

💸 Many people want a tax like that and so this could be a success.

🔢 France has already reached the threshold of signatures.

Germany is close but in many countries more signatures are needed.


✍️ Share, and sign!


tobychev boosted

Advisory legal opinion from the International Court of Justice is summarised like this:

"In short, Israel is:
an Apartheid state
occupying Gaza
illegally annexing the WB
violating self-determination

This is illegal, so it must:
end the occupation
fully repair/compensate Palestinians, including through right of return & dismantelling settlements"

Posted by:

Full opinions available via

Example quote (p. 79)

"Is of the opinion that all States are under an obligation not to recognize as legal the situation arising from the unlawful presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory and not to render aid or assistance in maintaining the situation created by the continued presence of the State of Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territory"

tobychev boosted

Every year, the worst social product design decision in a generation rears its ugly head. This time it's JD Vance's turn to be bitten by the fact Venmo transactions and friends list are public by default. 🤦🏾‍♂️

tobychev boosted

Hey #opensource folks - sounds like some of you have forgotten how to disagree in public spaces and forums by challenging ideas without attacking people or remembering why codes of conduct were created in the first place.

Cut. It. Out. We do, in fact, talk, and know each other.

tobychev boosted

I predict this will be one of the last elections before both U.S. political parties are forced by climate-related economic factors to make climate a serious issue. The economy has been shielded to an extent by insurers, who are rapidly learning to take climate effects seriously. See: withdrawal of insurers from Florida home insurance market.

As for the GOP: Even authoritarian states need a biosphere to exist. They'll have to get real eventually, if in power.

#climate #politics

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The International Society for Bayesian Analysis tells me Statistical Rethinking has won the 2024 DeGroot Prize for its contributions to "statistical inference, decision theory and statistical applications". This is huge honor especially given the previous winners who have influenced me so much. Book details:

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“Two people who were wounded at Trump's rally are in the hospital and one person is dead.

Trump didn't visit the hospital or the family of the man who was killed.

He went golfing.

Nothing more needs to be said.”

Via \ Eric Foltz #USAPolitics #cdnpolitics

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#orangutan nest-building takes years of schooling (from Mum)

'"The fact that it takes them so long to acquire this skill shows us that it’s much more complex than we realized,” says Andrea Permana, lead author of the study.

They build the nests about 20 meters high in the canopy. Fully grown male orangutans weigh up to 130kg, so the nests must be incredibly strong, or they risk falling four stories to the ground below. Some older primates become master builders, creating pillows, blankets, padding, and roofs.'

#primatology #GreatApes #culturalevolution #sociallearning

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What am I doing online right now? Well my doctor says I should do more activities that raise my heart rate.

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Forgetting things when you are a certain age is normal 🙂I never remember what I had for lunch yesterday and I'm fine with that.

But I vividly remember a lot of stuff from when I was like 2 years old up to about my 20s and it's a little bit more poignant when I think I've forgotten something from that period ...

Yesterday I was talking to a friend from school whom I'd known since the early 80s. I mentioned another friend from the same school that I'd met in the early 90s (but who I hadn't known at school) and this friend said something like "What do you mean? He was in the same class as you!"

I was dumbfounded. Had I known he was my classmate when I met him in the 90s? Or had we not recognized each other at all? All I remember about him was from meeting him in the 90s. Nothing about knowing himi from the 80s.

So I contacted this other friend. He said that he hadn't known me before the 90s even though we'd gone to the same school (it was a big school ...)

You can't imagine how relieved I felt 🙂 I had not lost a chunk of my childhood memories after all.

It later turned out that my first friend had confused the other one with somebody else who had the same name ... But for a while there, I really wasn't sure if I was losing chunks of memory or if my friend was wrong or if something else was going on.

It's funny the things we cling to 🙂
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tobychev boosted

The Netanyahu Government kills 90, wounds 300, in an attempt to kill 2 terrorists.

Let me repeat that: For the chance to kill 2 terrorists, The Netanyahu Government has approved a JDAM bombing which kills 90 and wounds 300.

Not a single country in the democratic world would allow these losses. No country would view this as compliant with the laws of war, so why are we turning a blind eye to the war crimes of the Netanyahu Government?

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Det sprids en uppgift om att 54 % av Nationell samlings (RN) väljare beskriver sig själva som rasistiska. Källan är denna, och alternativen som räknats ihop är "plutôt" och "un peu" rasistisk.
Övr. alternativ att välja på var: "pas très" och "pas du tout".

tobychev boosted

Did this animation of the Crab pulsar nebula about a year ago. I used all of the data from the Chandra archive that I could scrounge up to make the most complete animation I could. Most of the frames do not overlap the entire image, giving it a patchy appearance.

A version of it is on the NYT today. They missed me in the credits, but I'm told they've been informed of that. Gift article link:

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BREAKING: U.S. phone giant AT&T confirmed Friday it will notify millions of consumers about a fresh data breach that allowed cybercriminals to steal the phone and text records of "nearly all" of its customers, a company spokesperson told TechCrunch.

AT&T confirmed the breach was linked to a data theft at cloud data giant Snowflake. AT&T said the data breach affects at least 110 million AT&T customers.


tobychev boosted

WOW: Bolsonaro's spy services allegedly ran sprawling technical surveillance of:

❌Opposition leaders
❌environmental regulators
❌Those investigating son for corruption...

Fed material into harassment & disinformation.

Their tech? Made by notorious surveillance vendor #Cognyte

Yet another reminder: the commercial surveillance industry directly fuels antidemocratic actions.

#cybersecurity #infosec #democracy #brasil #surveillance #espionage

tobychev boosted

The Kremlin prides itself on being master trolls, but only someone with a terrible sense of humor could pursue this: Russia’s Prosecutor General is ordering bookstores to stop selling a novel about a zombie apocalypse spread by an infected mouse that escapes a lab making an everlasting life serum for Putin.

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