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tobychev boosted

An astronomer team has observed some of the youngest planetary disks ever seen. Designated as Class 0 and Class 1, these are planetary systems younger than 300,000 years old. Even at this early stage of star formation, the protesters are surrounded by disks with rings and spiral structures that indicate where new planets could be forming. It was previously believed that planets couldn't form before the first million years, but there they are.

tobychev boosted

The IPCC should hire the BBC’s graphics team for AR7.

The thing about shouting is that it is almost never persuasive, and frequently is is just harrasment. The definitions of probability being what they are, you can guess at where we are now.

tobychev boosted

I opened the first IPCC report, released in 1990, and copied their scenario graphs for CO2 and CH4 emissions.

I marked the latest data with a red dot. Methane emissions in 2022 were 580 Mt and carbon dioxide emissions in 2023 were 40.7 GtCO2 (= 11.09 GtC).

Whatever you think about the IPCC you must admit their business-as-usual calculations were pretty robust.

#ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #Climate #IPCC

tobychev boosted

#ClimateCrisis #climate

I often criticize Bill McKibben's newsletter "The Crucial Years", but this time I'm just going to quote large blocks of test from the Jan 9 2024 one because I agree with them. This is about US #LNG exports:

1. They produce an ungodly quantity of greenhouse gas emissions. Just the next proposed plant, CP2 in Louisiana, will produce 20 times more emissions than the controversial Willow oil complex over its lifetime. If the industry gets everything they’ve asked for, US LNG exports will produce more greenhouse gas emissions than…Europe. All of it. This is the biggest fossil fuel expansion project currently underway on planet earth.

2. It’s even dirtier than coal—you get carbon when you burn it, and methane when it leaks before you burn it. And since we now live in a world where solar and wind energy—which produce no greenhouse gas emissions—are the cheapest power, that’s almost criminally dumb.

3. We told the world in Dubai last month that the time had come to “transition” off fossil fuels. No possible definition of transition includes building giant terminals for the export of fossil fuels that are designed to last a half century."

(omitted 4-6 for length)

Why are you talking about settling? Nobody has used that word, nor even a related concept; my (attempt at a) discussion is if one can acknowledge that substack took a positive step by banning a few nazis or if that step is so small it cannot be measured.


Personally I would advocate the term "Dirham Coin Background", as it is much less likely to lead to panicked people calling Strålsäkerhetsmyndigheten with questions about how safe they are from the new Radiation they just read about.

tobychev boosted

Eric Schmidt, long time top dog at Google and Alphabet, considered Henry Kissinger to be his best friend.

(Photo shows text from Wall Street Journal opinion page)

I get "the war is not won", but to say it's not "a" win is just weird: they bowed to pressure and actually removed users, that is concrete progress.

To outright deny this progress seems unproductive, what is your goal with that?

Are you thinking you can sustain the controversy after these bans and so wrangle much greater concessions from them? But will simply saying "wait, there is more!" really be enough to keep the story going?

Om du skriver om Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) finns det goda skäl att åka till La Palma ;) På Roque de Los Muchachos finnns även två svenska teleskop att klämma in besök till, och det svenska solteleskopet kan länkas till planerna om att bygga ett stort europeiskt solteleskop (även det på la palma tror jag).

CTA sysslar med väldigt högenergetiska gammastrålar, men tyvärr är det typ ingen som gör nått om det i Sverige längre, du får åka till Finland eller Danmark för att hitta aktiva i fältet.

Ibland skrivs det om att USA bombar någon som hämd för attacker på deras baser i Mellanöstern, ibland kanske det står att den attackerade basen ligger i Syrien? Oftast ges bara ortsnamn, och sen är det upp till läsaren att veta om det var i Iraq eller Syrien det hände...

tobychev boosted

The X-ray telescope XRISM just released two high-quality images taken at the end of its commissioning process (aka first light).
Launched on Sep 7, 2023, the X-Ray Imaging and Spectroscopy Mission (XRISM, pronounced "crism") is an X-ray space telescope mission developed by JAXA in partnership with NASA and participation from ESA and other international orgs. It is similar to but more sensitive than the aging 24-year Chandra X-ray space telescope.

tobychev boosted

Like in real life, also in extragalactic astronomy there are VIPs*. If you are into clusters of galaxies, the top of the VIP probably is the
Coma clusters of galaxies, aka Abel 1656.

Let's do a small #AstroPhysicsFactlet to see why


*=Very Important Potential (wells)
Have you seen this related piece?

This is the Irish Times republishing a NYT piece from the middle of December, which makes it sound like deportation are not that pressing, but maybe things have changed since?

tobychev boosted

I think it's strange that here you point to the odious politics of Musk while offering nothing on the leadership of substack, despite earlier making the case that substack leadership is actively embracing Nazis... maybe McKenzie is only defending Nazis now but will go full Musk later, or maybe he will keep his personal politics out of the business forever; in any case the difference between substack and twitter certainly looks to be more about the mechanics of the service sold rather than inclinations of the man at the top.

tobychev boosted

It also implies there is still something worth considering about Nazism, something that has not been defeated yet – as an idea, as a way of ordering society. But, look, no ideology has been studied more, and the first half of the twentieth century actually happened. 9/

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tobychev boosted

The temperature widget for Apple Weather is not able to show double-digit low and high temperatures at the same time.

Designed by Apple in California where there’s no winter.

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