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Report Finds Americans Need To Cut Emissions By 3% In Order To Tell Themselves They Did Their Best

STANFORD, CA—Concluding that the window in which to give themselves a little pat on the back was rapidly closing, a report released Monday by Stanford University found that Americans needed to cut carbon emissions by 3% in order to tell themselves they did their best. …

tobychev boosted

Katolske prästen och fredsaktivisten Marcelo Pérez sköts till döds igår efter söndagsgudstjänsten i staden San Cristóbal de las Casas i södra Mexiko. Han hade upprepade gånger larmat om maffians växande makt, korrupta myndigheter och upptrappningen av våldet i delstaten Chiapas. Det var väl känt att han var hotad. #Mexico

tobychev boosted

@apolitosb @markmccaughrean

There is a substantial overlap in the companies running nuclear and running coal plants. Them pointing to nuclear expansion as "clean" only came a few years ago, when they needed something to fend off demands for an actual transition to actually clean electricity production. These companies weren't interested whatsoever in "climate" before - but they saw what this would do with their core business, which was burning fossil fuels.

tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

While one can reject feminism, gender bias and sexism will still come for you if you are a woman. (Runs into the glass cliff at Yahoo, gets asked about her laugh in this interview, etc.)

tobychev boosted

No western reporter would dare saying anything like this without losing their jobs and risk life time unemployment

#Israel #righttoretun #palestine #GideoLevy #Hypocrisy

@palestine @israel

tobychev boosted

he premise: Trump can't possibly be racist, not if millions and millions of people support him. The premise I guess being it would be impossible for millions and millions of people to support a racist, because that would suggest that millions and millions of people are racist.

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tobychev boosted

Israel's longest running paper, Haaretz, just confirmed that Netanyahu actively blocked every hostage deal since 10/7, Netanyahu meanwhile is openly planning to annex Gaza—& the conversation is still "why won't Hamas agree to a deal?"😐

This is how genocide perpetuates. Horrific.

tobychev boosted

Don’t say “Twitter is losing active users”,
say “dX is negative”.

tobychev boosted

Trollfabriken är inte historia, den drivs fortfarande men såväl regering som opposition och medier har resignerat inför att SD vägrar vika ner sig. I Sverige är vi dåliga på att hantera skandaler när så sker. SD visar att det går att bita ihop och köra på.

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tobychev boosted

Galenskap är att göra samma sak gång efter gång och förvänta sig ett annat resultat. Jag har jobbat 21 år på Af så det här är inte min första rodeo.

tobychev boosted
tobychev boosted

But for the space-obsessed, raised on a largely sanitised heroic view of the Space Race (including me as a kid of the 1960s), it is entirely axiomatic that pursuing space exploration & exploration is the primary way for nations & blocs to become "winners" in our future world.

It's a weirdly distorted view of the priorities of a civilisation on the brink of self-inflicted catastrophe, but one they are never ashamed of sharing, berating others for their lack of will, imagination, & cojones.

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tobychev boosted

More widely, there is a certain religious zealotry in parts of the space community, as if it's entirely self-evident that human destiny lies in the stars & if eggs need to be broken to achieve that omelette, then so be it.

Witness some members of the space industry in Europe today berating EU leaders for allowing the continent to slip behind the US in fighting for this new frontier.

As if it's even slightly evident that this is a priority shared by the majority of the European public 🤷‍♂️

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tobychev boosted

It is remarkable to me the degree to which many space bubbleers, mostly sensible & rational people in my experience, are willing to separate their dreams of space exploration & colonising the planets from the reprehensible views & actions of their would-be god.

Of course, some of the cult actively support his worldview & feel that no dissociation is needed at all, but it's the cognitive dissonance of the former which somehow scares me more.

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tobychev boosted

Your 80-year old reminder of the ethical decision you make if you choose to dissociate your fantasies of space exploration & love of rockets from the politics of the people building & launching them.

Credit: Deutsches Bundesarchiv (German Federal Archive), via Wikipedia CC BY-SA 3.0

tobychev boosted

If GH can stand for P as in Hiccough,
If OUGH stands for O as in Dough,
If PHTH stands for T as in Phthisis,
If EIGH stands for A as in Neighbor,
If TTE stands for T as in Gazette,
If EAU stands for O as in Plateau,

The right way to spell POTATO should be:



See also: “Ghoti”

tobychev boosted

PG&E estimates California utility customers will pay about $7.6 billion to extend Diablo Canyon’s operations through 2030, and state and federal programs are kicking in an additional $1.2 billion

tobychev boosted

New virus uncovered in China – is this a sign tick-borne diseases are on the rise?

In addition to discovering new tick-borne diseases, we’re also seeing the distribution of established tick-borne diseases changing. There are several reasons why this is happening, among which is #ClimateChange. #ClimateCrisis #GlobalWarming

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