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List of keyboard “complications” that should become commonplace, from a mostly laptop & terminal user (in descending order of importance):

a. Thumb keys. Long spacebars are a waste of space. Split ‘em!

b. A Control thumb key. I might just consider using emacs. Damn emacs’ pinky. Scrolling in vim is a pain without this.

c. Scrollers. Those flat scroll wheels or barrels on some keyboards that adjust the volume. Should be remappable; imagine whizzing through tmux windows, cmus track entries… a tonne of unforeseen possibilities.

d. Context Menu key (analoguous to “right click”). Usually found on your typical boomer 2000’s GUI desktop setup. I sometimes miss this on my laptop.

e. “fn numpad”. Some keyboards have a mode where m=0, j=1, k=2, l=3, u=4, etc. I’ve not much experience with it, but could be useful with rapid entry. But software can also do this, so meh.

ThinkPad mouse “bean”? I haven’t fiddled with it, and doesn’t look effective.

Flat joystick? I have a keeb with one and it sucks.

Split/Ergo keebs? I tried the Moonlander, wasn’t for me. I like my keebs flat and low.

That’s it. If a keyboard with the aforementioned complications exists, please bombard me with your wisdom.

~b boosted
@devinprater Terminals are not "more accessible" to blind users because they lack metadata. Screenreaders need to know when a piece of text has a different locale because they can switch TTS settings; they need to know semantic meanings because blind users can't just "see" text with different meanings.

Single-locale line-mode interfaces without any ascii art or other prettification *is* quite accessible, but this is a subset of programs for the terminal.

I say this as someone who hardly uses GUI apps besides the browser and inherently graphical tasks (e.g. viewing images/videos). Whenever I do a "blind for the afternoon" challenge (something I highly recommend), accessible widget toolkits (ideally supporting AT-SPI) are ten times easier to operate.

I'd recommend reading documentation for assistive technologies/standards like AT-SPI to see what all is required; not all of this maps well to a terminal.
~b boosted

TIL about , one of the world's most popular chess servers, run entirely on free software by a nonprofit, ad-free, supported by donations with a budget of ~$420K/year according to

They've been around since 2010.

As awesome as this is to see, imagine how many free/open nonprofit alternatives to Big Tech platforms would exist if, down to the municipal level, we decided to support them with funding & infrastructure.

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We have closed the loop.

The launcher can now assemble tal files on the fly, you can use Left to write #uxn programs, Nasu to make graphics, Dexe to include them into your projects.

That means you can have a complete workstation on a NDS, GBA, Playdate, etc..

Thanks to everyone who helped to put this together.

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>[centralized service] banned me
>oh i know i'll sign up for [different centralized service]
>it'll be different this time
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“wow the fediverse federates… let’s keep it to 2 or 3 instances guys, let’s never use this awesome power to actually do anything”

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This blew our socks off - #PineNote 's e-paper display now works on mainline #linux ! 🎉

Thanks to Samuel Holland ( as well as other contributors for this incredible achievement.

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What's even the point of getting a PhD in the middle of a pandemic if you're *not* going to make a plague doctor mask and wander around campus wearing it along with your regalia?

Cheers to all of my fellow plague doctors from the class of 2021 or 2020!

As foretold by @cwebber ( )

I wish dislikes were implemented in most ActivityPub software.

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