Small Bitburner update. I've beaten BitNode 4.1 and also 5.1, each by homiciding about 15 hours to get enough negative karma, and then nuke that node with a gang backing me up.
Now I've chosen BitNode 10.1 because it introduces the Sleeves technology. Basically Sleeves are clones of myself so I can do multiple things at once. That does include doing crimes to get negative karma very fast, which means I'll be able to form a gang even sooner.
So, in less-than-15-hours I might be able to form a gang, and then eventually break this BitNode as well and have some extra clones at hand for the next BitNode.
Pondering to make use of a corporation as well for near-infinite money so that I can buy all permanent upgrades for my clones before I move on.
#Games #Bitburner #IdleGames