Highlights of today:
Saw Saint Nicolas (coworker dressed up as one) tiptoeing towards the toilets, also holding up his dress as if he's stepping over puddles. Hilarious. 😂
Helped a shitton of kindergarten kids with the 'Pietengym', where they do gymnastics to emulate the Pieten to climb whatever there is to climb, like rooftops. Wish I knew it was heavy work, because now my nice tshirt is all sweaty. :P
Managed to get my new phone hooked up to the local network at job, so everything works fine now.
I think I'm ready to go back home now already. 😋
Another highlight: Saint Nicolas played some simplified version of Bingo with the kids. And now I'm going to wrap it up and head home, that's enough exciting stuff for today.
Tomorrow a lot of inventarising to do in the classrooms. Also gotta label all those new docks we got, they're a newer model. We used to have D6000 docks, now we got some WD19S docks added, nice.