> _“**The core of effective altruism** is the [Drowning Child scenario](https://newint.org/features/1997/04/05/peter-singer-drowning-child-new-internationalist). The world is full of death and suffering. Your money (or time, or whatever resource you prefer to spend) could fix more of it than you think — one controversial analysis estimates $5,000 to save a life. You would go crazy if you tried to devote 100% of your time and money to helping others. But if you decide to just help when you feel like it or a situation comes up, you’ll probably forget. Is there some more systematic way to commit yourself to some amount between 0% and 100% of your effort (traditionally 10%)? And once you’ve done that, how do you make those resources go as far as possible? This is #EffectiveAltruism, the rest is just commentary.”_