Please read this and everything else Cory Doctorow
@pluralistic writes.
@ct_bergstrom @pluralistic I really enjoyed this one:
@ct_bergstrom @carrickdb @pluralistic I've been worrying about enshittification of chatbots like ChatGPT. I think it's terrifying once you start thinking about the ad placement possibilities for LLMs due to the ability to finetune models to subtly increase bias towards products in a way that's difficult to detect.
Even more disturbing given the rumors that Microsoft is rewriting Bing to integrate ChatGPT.
@twitskeptic @ct_bergstrom @carrickdb @pluralistic Martin if I have 3 Pepsis and give 1 Pepsi to Bart how many Pepsis do i have left??
Partial credit!
@twitskeptic @ct_bergstrom @carrickdb @pluralistic Baidu @charles_ex regex to obfuscate
@twitskeptic @ct_bergstrom @carrickdb @pluralistic Google is about to unveil their ChatGPT rival.
I hope it has an integrated ability to look up data from fixed datasources and use algorithms (such as mathematics), rather than relying 100% on language models, which are rather fallible.