Real life interactions, among the other things, are a way to filter out scientific outputs, in order to avoid unnecessary reading and discover fresh, original ones. Tracing the impact of these interactions was possible only via citations, losing the trace of what brought authors to that mention.
![Putting together the whole trace of impact of scientific outputs](
DOIs and article level metrics are a way to quantitatively reconstruct a complete trace of impact. This applies to every published output! (2/3)
Fine tune your content and target and carefully carve your threads for presenting your work online.
![Fine-tuning content and target for your online posts in order to build and maintain an online professional profile.](
It takes time and committment to build and maintain an online professional reputation, no matter which is the platform you chose.
This is a possible way to transform the internet towards what was stated in the [Berlin Declaration]( a functional medium for distributing knowledge (3/3)🟨