This thread could also work as my official #introduction here after switching servers.
I work as full-stack technician for Think Open, the #openscience initiative of CIMeC - Center For Mind / Brain Sciences at The University of Trento, Italy.
I also contributed to establish and maintain the Italian Reproducibility Network @italianrepro
My main activity is to discover new and interesting open science approaches and support my local academic community in implementing them.
I am also interested in #opendata, especially those coming from #cogneuro experiment. I think sharing human brain images (e.g.: #mri) in an effective, #privacy - and #ethics compliant way is one of the most intriguing and difficult problems of open #neuroscience to date.
I like #scicomm discussions and practices, I hope there will be a massive and effective scientific #TwitterMigration and I’ll try my best to support it.
Chi acquisisce dati per scopi scientifici e si prepara alla condivisione deve sentirsi parte di un processo di riuso responsabile delle informazioni.
Ho preso alcuni appunti a riguardo che discuterò oggi pomeriggio al convegno "La comunità prima della commercializzazione" all'Università di Trento.
Condividere informazioni significa automaticamente esporle al riutilizzo. Per facilitare questa operazione occorre calibrare ciò che si condivide posizionando il contributo in un'area che copra insieme rilevanza scientifica e riuso responsabile. Questo è possibile ricorrendo a schemi standard e #FAIR che garantiscono l'interoperabilità delle informazioni.
Per parafrasare un'espressione ormai celebre nell'ambito dell'#openscience, partecipare come parte della comunità al processo di costruizione del sapere tramite la condivisione dei dati vuol dire condividerli "as structured as possible, as derived as necessary.".
In this same room I defended my PhD exactly 10 years ago. It was nice to come back and present at #AISC2022 one of the initiatives I care about the most: the @italianrepro
Single researchers or small teams are proving increasingly inadequate to address current scientific challenges.
That is why we at @italianrepro asked Nicholas Coles, director of the Psychological Science Accelerator – recently awarded by the Einstein Foundation - to talk about “Multi-lab and Multi-site Projects; the Psychological Science Accelerator” in the 2nd Online Seminar on Open Science for year 2022/23.
Seminar is completely online, tomorrow Wednesday December 14th at 5pm CET.
Participation is free and open to everyone interested in #openscience and #multilab / #multisite collaboration projects.
I am still trying to figure out whether lists are public. I am pretty sure that you cannot follow other people's lists. I guess it could be of interest at least to browse them. For example, here is the link to my "open knowledge" list ->
Proudly sharing our new steering committee from February 2023. Meet new members Dario Mangione, Ezia Rizzi & Claudia Mazzuca.
We are excited for the new year and for the impactful work to come!
w/ @CarloMiniussi @massimo006 @v_iacovella @zogmaister @timetit & Davide Crepaldi
IMVHO the actual #inboxzero goal should be to empty out the draft directory
This thread could also work as my official #introduction here after switching servers.
I work as full-stack technician for Think Open, the #openscience initiative of CIMeC - Center For Mind / Brain Sciences at The University of Trento, Italy.
I also contributed to establish and maintain the Italian Reproducibility Network @italianrepro
My main activity is to discover new and interesting open science approaches and support my local academic community in implementing them.
I am also interested in #opendata, especially those coming from #cogneuro experiment. I think sharing human brain images (e.g.: #mri) in an effective, #privacy - and #ethics compliant way is one of the most intriguing and difficult problems of open #neuroscience to date.
I like #scicomm discussions and practices, I hope there will be a massive and effective scientific #TwitterMigration and I’ll try my best to support it.
Fine tune your content and target and carefully carve your threads for presenting your work online.
It takes time and committment to build and maintain an online professional reputation, no matter which is the platform you chose.
This is a possible way to transform the internet towards what was stated in the Berlin Declaration: a functional medium for distributing knowledge (3/3)🟨
Real life interactions, among the other things, are a way to filter out scientific outputs, in order to avoid unnecessary reading and discover fresh, original ones. Tracing the impact of these interactions was possible only via citations, losing the trace of what brought authors to that mention.
DOIs and article level metrics are a way to quantitatively reconstruct a complete trace of impact. This applies to every published output! (2/3)
Social media could be thought as tools for disrupting prestige, position and geography based barriers for scientific conversations.
A few weeks ago, right before the mastodon wave, I summarized my takes on this in a tutorial for About Open on how to unleash the power of online tools for professional purposes in an open science environment.
Throughout the text I stressed the concept that every attempt to disseminate scientific outputs online is, above all, a scientific communication task. (1/3) 🧵
#openaccess #scicomm #altmetrics
RT from birdsite, account of German Reproducibility Network #GRN:
📢REMINDER: Virtual brainstorming event📢
How to build, grow and sustain a #reproducibility or #OpenScience initiative?
Don't miss it on November 22-23 🙌🏼
I've switched servers. I think fits with the interactions and the content I would pursue with this account.
full stack technician working on #openaccess and #opendata at CIMeC - Center For Mind / Brain Sciences at The University of Trento (Italy)
founder and steering committee of the Italian Reproducibility Network