I've heard it said that if you don't vote with whichever party then you are a coward. I think that's exactly backwards, and even reflects poorly all the person making that argument. It doesn't take much courage to go with the group.
Instead I go the other way: no matter which party you might prefer in general, it takes courage to say they nominated a moron, and fortunately the other party also nominated a loser, so no matter what the US is going to slog through these next few years.
In my opinion the courageous position is to say no, you nominated a moron, and I'm not going to give you my vote. We're going to be okay I guess, whether you win or not, but I'm not going to let you assume that you have my vote if you insist on nominating a moron. You should have nominated someone better. You should have nominated someone worthy of my vote. Do better next time.
That's the state of #USPolitics . As South Park said, big douche versus turd sandwich. So screw both #Democrats and #Republicans. Neither of you managed to nominate someone worth voting for, so I'm voting for my dog.
To give either party our votes is to sign on to their nomination of garbage people. Let's not. Let's say that they need to actually nominate worthwhile administrators.
But more practically, let's focus on #Congress. No matter who wins this election, they're going to suck, but we can still express ourselves through our representation in Congress, and that's honestly how it should be anyway.
Check out your representatives. See how they have actually been voting, and vote them out if they have been letting you down. That's really where our focus should be anyway.
Not on which jerk ends up in the Oval Office.
(But thank God #Biden is on his way out, as he has been terrible for #science in the US, which has not gotten nearly enough attention from the press.)
@Acronymesis not at all! You completely misunderstand the point if that's your takeaway.
It's not both sides, it's either side. If either side gave us somebody worth voting for then we should. Unfortunately neither did.
So we should withhold our votes.
Volkris, I'm disappointed.
You know better than that. :(😞
Yes, exactly. We have so many promoting the norm that a voter HAS to vote, and if they don't then they're actually voting for the other guy.
If only we could push back against that common rhetoric we have a good chance of getting better candidates and better government in the end.
When the norm is that the parties have to actually run people worth voting for, or else voters will stay home, then they'll be motivated to stop running such trash candidates.
You can see how we ended up with #Trump vs #Harris as the two parties relied on opposition to the other rather than actually putting forward quality candidates.
@volkris Oh great, yet another insufferable both-sides-er. Just what we need. 🙄