@hankg For as long as I can remember, corrupting the SCOTUS, and the entire court system, has been a top priority for Republican voters, and a ZERO priority for Democratic voters.
No matter how many times I tried to tell anyone that the SCOTUS appointments matter, NO ONE listens or cares about it. Except Republicans.
The worst are the "leftists" who think its way more important to harm Democrats and let Republicans continue to pack the courts. Every. Single. Damn. Time.
Keep in mind that the reason it doesn't penetrate is because of the current phenomenon wherein people are living in completely different realities with different sets of facts.
It's easy to dismiss what you're saying as just nutty ravings when it doesn't match the facts that the listener knows to be true.
Until that changes, until we get things like reform of journalism to establish factual authority, the country is sort of stuck.
And as an aside, the Democratic Party missed this, and arguably it contributed to their loss.