The #SCOTUS ruling on #TikTok was really unfortunate because it was based on the justices not understanding the technology, the facts of the situation.
You could see in the oral arguments that they didn't understand how the platform was engineered, they got multiple things very wrong about it. And that's really a shame.
The role of the Supreme Court in the US is to interpret laws and review lower court rulings, but in this case the issue wasn't either of those, it was a matter of fact that they struggled with, not law.
This legal proceeding was rushed. The two sides did not have time to hammer out their factual disagreement through the normal course of the normal process. And so when it got to the Supreme Court, the Court was presented with a record with inconsistencies.
And this is why we should never try to rush these legal processes.
The justices seemed to think that a shutdown wasn't even on the table. Well, the platform shut down. The justices were proven wrong. Unfortunately, as far as I know there is no procedure for the Court to fix a factual error like this. We are stuck with this ruling until who knows when some future case might provide the opportunity to fix it.
It's legally tragic.