@shellsharks I mean you say it's not possible but you link to an article talking about the possibility.
The article says it's possible.
So there you go.
@DoomsdaysCW That's not what the legislation would do, though.
I really wish organizations like this would not spread such misinformation.
@francesfish It's the barest notion of accountability we can have
@hamid Yes the keyword there is instance.
It's not centered around you, it's centralized around instances.
@francesfish it doesn't matter who has influence. It doesn't matter what messenger one might want to shoot. It's not relevant.
The US government is designed with safeguards that we shouldn't ignore.
@takeitev I'm glad you recognize that you don't understand
@francesfish No, that's not how the process works.
The Senate decides when it is in recess, not Johnson, not Trump.
@wendysiegelman It's kind of like how restaurants benefit from having better health inspections than other ones.
@asb It's better technology, unfortunately.
@xtaldave wow, axios has apparently shifted to not even bothering to tell the whole story, devolving into only the processed bullet points that it puts at the top.
Notice very strikingly that it didn't bother with full quotes in context.
Axios is trash. We should all see the red flags when reading this kind of clickbait headline and sensationalized story.
This is not good for the country.
@gkmizuno I'm saying the second.
We have so much data right now that we can't analyze it in time. In fact we're throwing away a lot of data because we don't think it's worth storing because we won't be able to analyze it anytime soon, so it's not worth the cost of storage.
We are currently awash in data that we can't analyze because we don't have enough ability to analyze it. Maybe AI can help fill that gap, finding patterns in the data that humans don't have the time or energy to tease out.
@indivisibleteam Right, because they are not a judicial organization. They should not release the report because that's not their job. They don't have jurisdiction for that.
It's the wrong branch of government.
The executive branch, and that includes executive branches of states, should investigate this and file the appropriate charges.
But the legislative branch has a different job and should not release this. It's the wrong venue, the wrong tool for the job.
@amerika to paraphrase, maybe it's a stupid idea, but then all the other ideas are stupider.
@gkmizuno Well the thing is, there is a lot of signal that we haven't pulled out of the data that we have already.
Even in current methods we employ grad students to sift through old data looking for new ideas, new messages, new processing to figure things out. That's nothing groundbreaking.
So that's not much of a limit for AI. We know there is a lot of gold in the tailings that human knowledge has amassed. There's a lot of information in the data that we haven't pulled out yet. Currently we try to manually find it, and that's a lot of fertile ground for AI to make advancements.
@rightardia exactly.
This is a campaign stunt, no more.
People really need to get a sense of context here, people really need to understand how the government works and not buy into this silliness.
@KeithDJohnson The most important reaction to this is, the president doesn't have that authority.
EVEN IF Trump intends to create such an authoritarian state, which runs counter to his campaign promises and the mainstream wants of his voters and everything else they say, even if we accept that extreme claim by his partisan opposition, he wouldn't be able to. Because we don't give presidents that choice.
So this kind of sensationalized talk is just nonsense. It doesn't help us oppose the guy, it just makes you sound like a kook.
@UptownGirl Tuberville is a moron. Nobody should listen to him. He keeps comparing everything to being a coach, because again, he's an utter moron who can't get it through his head that he's not coaching now.
The Senate majority leader doesn't have nearly the amount of power that people believe he has. All of the senators are welcome to override him at any point, so he just reflects what the Senate as a whole wants to do.
Tuberville sees this as a football game, because he's a moron, and so he doesn't understand that the the majority leader isn't a quarterback or something like that. He doesn't understand what the majority leader does and so we get quotes like this.
@sidereal That's not all it does, though.
Since I guess everything is political these days, I'll identify as extremely liberal but without a home in US politics.
Mainly, there's so much misinformation out there that people in society have trouble even organizing into coherent political groupings. So I'd rather not talk about politics but instead focus on information and education. Nothing else matters until the bedrock of fact is buttressed.
But... people are always going to be wrong on the internet, as the saying goes.
So: Old man yells at clouds is a famous joke from The Simpsons, and it probably fairly describes what we do when venting on social media.
Just speaking into the void, since I figure it's an exercise in futility to conduct discussions on these platforms.