(Here's the authoritative issue: https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/issues/309 - making it easy/elegant to QT makes it "immediately actionable", " very often invites the followers to join in on the conversation, and whoever has got more of them ends up having the upper hand " - Gargron. Totally agree.)
(Oh OK, Mastodon doesn't expand linked toots. So there isn't easy/elegant QT, but there still is QT, and without search and data, hmm, that's not great for abuse I think. But such is the case with anything linkable.)
Trying something part two
Fabulous view from the Artemis Orion spacecraft of our blue planet.
NEW POST: As I explore using Mastodon, when should I use the Content Warning field?
I like the implication here that people are diagnosed having trouble focusing often because they have to focus often. As we in aggregate increasingly don't need to focus, it does suck to have to be one of those who does, and sometimes I can't, but it's also easy for me a lot of the time w/ no chemical help (noodly music does help.)
Armchair quarterbacking
I'd like to understand more about why people apply CW vs. tagging. Maybe CW is appropriate as the opposite of tagging? - "this content is not meant for anyone to find, it embarasses me, it is the opposite of tagged/searchable?" (That is not how I'd like to see titled posts go down!)
Armchair quarterbacking
Emergent/unexpected use of software features is to be expected, but I'd roll out a title mode for this pretty quickly in response - I suspect most people don't want to read/dismiss what people are writing as title (but it's fine if people want to write a title.)
(I remember people also calling them "tabs", and Excel UI does use that language sometimes - "sheet tabs." I don't know if Sheets does.)
Forgot we taggy here, thatsa #dadops.
"Reuse before build" (because otherwise you'll be washing a giant pile of barely-used laundry)
"0, 1, or N" (it really is best not to do it at all, but if you have to, try something that's low risk, does what's needed, helps you learn. If it comes up again, spend the time to do it right using what you learned. This conservation of energy is often necessary to cover all the other bases we talked about.)
(I think the exact quote is "programming integrated over time" - as in, the area under a curve that does not exist until some programming occurred.)
#Quality, #Dadops, #Gardening, #Art, #HumanFactors, #SoftwareEngineering, #Data, #Lego
#Software & stuff @rationalagents.com.