@windrunner Yes exactly.
Air is replenished with outside air, but because you're flying at altitude it's only a fraction. The fraction is controllable. The primary reason to replenish is CO2 buildup, but because part of the cabin air is recycled CO2 levels in the air will naturally go up.
CO2 is what drives the breathing cycle. High CO2 in your blood turns it slightly acidic and your body responds to that by raising your breathing rate to get rid of CO2. This is why you breath hard when you work. Burn more O2, generate CO2, breath hard to get rid of it.
If you're breathing a gas with too high a level of CO2 you cannot reduce your CO2 level in your blood and you hyper ventilate. This is the only way that it's dangerous. Our bodies know how to deal with CO2 and respond quite violently to high levels of it. It sounds flippant, but you know the CO2 level is safe because nobody is breathing heavily.
You don't have a CO2 scrubber on a plane because you'd need about 1.5 tonnes of scrubber material for each 8hr flight and there's perfectly good air outside, just not as much as normal.
Planes do not have CO2 scrubbers on board and CO2 is not removed by normal filtration.
Whatever you're measuring, it's not what you think it is.
@bloor @staustellsimon zero effort or zero enjoyment?
🐍📰 Duck Typing in Python: Writing Flexible and Decoupled Code
In this tutorial, you'll learn about duck typing in Python. It's a typing system based on objects' behaviors rather than on inheritance. By taking advantage of duck typing, you can create flexible and decoupled sets of Python classes that you can use together or individually
@helenczerski I place fingers as a pivot just one side of the groove on front and then apply force from behind at the end on the lever that is the chocolate bar with thumb. One handed break.
I never apply force at the groove in any direction. Well, I guess I do in an action/reaction sense, but that's not the intention.
@LouisIngenthron I didn't realise that was the medium of communication we were discussing.
@LouisIngenthron Also, some people need to have their actions criticised, whether they want it or not.
Integrating local LLMs with #emacs.
@fidel I've mainly been focused on #codellama as the intent seems to be targeted at coding. Both 7b and 34b. 70b is beyond my capacity.
I find it difficult to get an idea of what's happening behind the scenes. It would be quite nice if #ellama placed the request in a buffer so you could see the conversation.
Integrating local LLMs with #emacs.
@fidel I've been trying to do the same, but honestly I'm just not finding it useful. For example: with code review, a good linter is so much better. It can work with a larger context, not hallucinate, and the suggestions aren't as superficial.
Do you have any examples where it's actually helping you? Either my expectations are way off, or something isn't setup right.
@fortyseven I think that's reasonable, but I also think there's a limit to the number of extraordinary events that happen.
If the ordinary off-duty cop happens to meet a legendary special forces veteran working as a cook, and they defeat the terrorists using their ice skating moves they learnt as rivals when they competed against each other in their teenage years - working together after all these years....
...well, I'm going to say you're making shit up. There's no way Steven Segal can cook.
Actors Recorded Videos for ‘Vladimir.’ It Turned Into Russian Propaganda. - WSJ - https://www.wsj.com/tech/cybersecurity/actors-recorded-videos-for-vladimir-it-turned-into-russian-propaganda-7ff2ce8e?mod=followamazon
The celebrities look like they were asked to offer words of encouragement—apparently via the Cameo app—to someone named “Vladimir” who appears to be struggling with substance abuse, Microsoft said. Instead, these messages were edited, sometimes dressed up with emojis, links and the logos of media outlets and then shared online by the Russia-aligned trolls, the company said.
#957, twig
@pganssle indeed. I was thankful that by going with the same brand (Corsair) I was able to just unplug everything at the power supply end, and then plug-in the new one.
@pganssle probably not with that power supply. The thing says 165W or whatever, but it'll spike.
I've done something similar with and RX7600 and a 450W supply. It was fine on 3D, but SDXL caused the overcurrent protection to trip. I've since upgraded to a 750W and seen short spikes to 300W+ just for the GPU.
@users What happened on the 1st of November last year?