#originoflife #informationtheory #ComplexSystems #CollectiveBehavior #evolutionarydynamics #biogels #informationtheory #philosophy #philosophyofscience #philosophyofmaths
A chair is what is called an embodied artifact, an extention of the human body. The idea of a chair is a design, a set of instructions, and a period of training and experience, partly held in human memory, partly offloaded to other storage. Animals create and use artifacts/tools also. How are the ideas of these artifacts stored by animals?
Smardzewski, Jerzy. “Antropotechnical Aspects of Furniture Design.” Drvna Industrija 60, no. 1 (2009): 73.
@skanman I saw it a long time ago, overcomig prejudous in the English upper classes by being good at sports.
@wjbeaver ** unrelated but related
you know what's weird? I was about to ask Mastadon for a movie recommendation. Is it good?