I am enjoying podcasts via RSS readers, but note that #emacs #elfeed does not have #FeatureParity with others but has #FeatureSuperiority . A couple notes:
- easy OPML import/export. Other good readers have this, but not all of them.
- Works without an account in the cloud -- just the RSS and my device.
- Multiple tags per entry. I have not found this on ANY other reader, where ultimately tags = directories. This is silly.
- Super-easy history and search. You would think this would be a given in this day and age, but I do not see it in other readers. For example, trying to find "spooky" in the title of a recently heard podcast was not possible outside elfeed. Further, "Which ones did I listen to this morning?" is hard, also not easy in elfeed. But at least I can search for keywords there.
I use feeder on android, which at least checks the first two boxes about good OPML support and being subscriptionless. Of course, going to my elfeed is a joy, but not when I am on the move and can't pull out my laptop.
Any way to sync subscriptions and read entries across devices without an online account?
@worldsendless You may try adding a "watched" item to the metadata plist:
You'd want to add the entry on whatever yo do to listen to a podcast.
For instance if it were mpv.el you were using, you could add a function to `mpv-on-start-hook` that 1) checks if you are in an elfeed buffer and 2) if so, adds the "played-date" to the elfeed metadata-plist.