#emacs I was experiencing freezes of sometimes up to 30 seconds about 3/4 of the the time when I used my muscle memory to hit "undo", which I do as part of my regular "kill-line undo" combo. Something must have changed recently because I started to have show-stopping freezes of my emacs thread when I tried a routine "undo." I finally managed to squeeze a `toggle-debug-on-quit` and, with a bit of patience, got a C-g in during the freeze. The culprit in the resulting stack trace was my global undo-tree mode, which in combination with my other settings must have started failing. I turned it off by removing the line in my init.el and also running `global-undo-tree-mode` to toggle the mode and… far, no more funny freezes on undo. There are occasions when the undo tree is great and useful, but not at the cost of sometimes completely being a show stopper.
@mitchmarq42xyz https://github.com/casouri/vundo looks pretty good, and is maintained and up to date, it seems. :Thanks for the suggestion!
@mitchmarq42xyz oi. I can't even get vundo to start without freezing my emacs instance. No time to trouble-shoot right now; I'll look into it later.
@worldsendless check your undo depth beforehand. and do you have undo-fu installed? that probably helps
@mitchmarq42xyz Ah! undo depth! I forgot that I had previously set it to a very large number as part of my crusade against.... well, I won't get into that. New question, though: since `undo limit` as apparently counting every keystroke toward that limit, I need to think on a good number for it.
@mitchmarq42xyz ah, the queston: what is your `undo-limit` set at?
@worldsendless yeah vundo seems to do a bit of the same thing but not break Emacs like undo-tree. might want to swap it out