Excited to be here at Mastodon
Am an opinionated world traveller with interests in travel, movies, environment, society, naturopathy, naturism, politics and all that is associated.
Looking to interact with like minded fellow travellers around here and also looking at calling out hypocrisy where it needs to be called out.
Must confess: I am not a Liberal! I believe in people and I believe in doing what's right. I believe people know wants best for them and no one need tell anyone else how to lead their life, what to say, how to behave.
I am very open to friendly debates on any topic that I know about. The rest I leave to the judgement of more intelligent others.
Please engage for a better world.
Opinionated world traveller from the Orient.
Sarcasm, Wit, Opinions, Calling out, Showing a mirror, Fun, Travel tips, ...
You will find it all here.
And yes, am starting a stringer of a novel here. You know.