RT @anna_korzekwa
Budżet @NCN_PL od 2018 do 2023 wzrósł zaledwie o 13%. Wskaźnik sukcesu w naszych ostatnich konkursach spadł do nieakceptowalnego poziomu < 15%. - Jeśli Polska nie zwiększy budżetu na naukę, grozi nam drenaż mózgów - mówi Zbigniew Błocki, dyrektor #NCN. https://www.wnp.pl/parlamentarny/wydarzenia/dyrektor-ncn-jesli-polska-nie-zwiekszy-budzetu-na-nauke-grozi-nam-drenaz-mozgow,652678.html
RT @valentynbez
Saving this for the record. russian propaganda machine is falling apart and officials admit they are financing separatism since 2014.
I remember these years vividly, a lot of people were fooled.
The judgment day approaches.
RT @DrewLinsley
Check out our new paper, to appear at NeurIPS. We show that DNNs are becoming progressively *less* aligned with human perception as their ImageNet accuracy increases. Ignore the elections, Elon, and FTX for a moment — this is important!
Mastodon, meet Frank. In rare moments in which he doesn't want to murder his surroundings, he is actually a sweet cat!
RT @karwowskaz
Thank you @polonium_org for the opportunity to talk about my research. The amount of questions assured me that there is a very bright future for gut microbiome research!
This way they are taught to achieve consistent embeddings of observations across different ways of introducing noise.
First of all, they specify a fast-learning "online" network, and a slow-learning, "target" one.
For a given sample the online network is trying to predict target network's embedding.
The catch?
They are using different augmentations!
AI guy. Tooting interesting publications and statistics that catch my eye