
I think there was a message earlier ( I can't find it) asking for help setting up a website.

Depending on what is needed could look at managed hosting and use WriteFreely

@zleap I have been asked to advise a small (12 ~15) member photo club , how they could have blog during this Covid-!9 time as they now do not meet physically. They would want a) ability for computer users in group to upload a photo, and group members could comment on it.
b) The photo & comments only visible to group members.
c) some members not so computer literate, so must be very easy.
d) Facebook could do this as a private Facebook group, but some members are 'extremely hostile' to lack of privacy and would want above all else privacy in use and without being tracked etc.
I have no experience of a blog, but assumed there might be suitable software, and if they buy a domain and cheapest hosting it might be used in that way. As they are all retirees and somewhat 'poor', they would not want expensive hosting. My doubt is how they would handle safety updates etc for software or CMS blog. I use Joomla! as a website software for my own 'static' website and a charity support, (not user friendly!) but have no experience of say WordPress or other blogging software. Any ideas. I note appears to be in USA, and at USD $10 per month may be outside their budget, so outside EU - UK privacy laws. Any comments?

@eionmac I will havea look at the hosting options see if there is anything Eu / UK based, you may still need photo hosting, @write_as @pixelfed

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