@mikec415 Wow. I hope that school district has lawsuit money, because they're going to need lawsuit money.


@Ferfer72 @mikec415

I am not sure how the pledge thing works in the US. If someone was to emigrate then they have to take this to become a US citizen,

That aside, the article does state people are not obliged to take part in the oath.

The actions by the substitute teacher were clearly wrong, the lad made a point and at an appropriate time maybe this could lead to a proper discussion.on the topic surely

As for the flag being racist, it is meant to represent the 13 original states and the 50 states of the union.

As for the Anthem, I was under the impression it told the story of the war of independence from the British, so after the battle the flag was still flying.

Certainly the 3rd verse has

Their blood has wash'd out their foul footstep's pollution

I assume refers to the British Rulers, who the war of independence was fought against.



Maybe i am wrong,

@zleap @Ferfer72 school kids are forced to recite it every morning. I can tell you most of us had no idea what the words meant at that age.

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