Will you watch the Olympics?
#EvanPoll #poll
What does qualified yes / no mean?
Fortunately, that is a Frequently Asked Question that has been answered by @evan at https://evanp.me/pollfaq/
I do a lot of polls on my account at Mastodon. I get the same questions or requests multiple times, so I made this FAQ to make it easier to reply. Q: Why do you do so many polls? A: I like to think…
@bignose @evan@osocial.ca
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance All cultures welcome. Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.
Fortunately, that is a Frequently Asked Question that has been answered by @evan at https://evanp.me/pollfaq/
I do a lot of polls on my account at Mastodon. I get the same questions or requests multiple times, so I made this FAQ to make it easier to reply. Q: Why do you do so many polls? A: I like to think…
Evan Prodromou's Blog