Hello Fediverse admins/mods,
I need help to collate some Nicole data. I've noticed they're exclusively using outlook.com emails so far, and I want to make a big list of known emails to send to microsoft
Please DM me with any emails from disabled Nicole accounts
#Nicole #NicoleTheFediverseChick
What is Nicole data?
@zleap I see the Angel of Nicole DMs passed over your door.
Yeah, no problem, I was just asking.
@zleap sorry, maybe my humor wasn’t clear enough: “Nicole” is “someone” who is DM’ing literally everyone, presumably as part of a scam setup
@0xabad1dea Ah ok, so if I get such DMs I should report then delete them, I guess
QOTO: Question Others to Teach Ourselves An inclusive, Academic Freedom, instance All cultures welcome. Hate speech and harassment strictly forbidden.
@zleap I see the Angel of Nicole DMs passed over your door.