Ed Casabar

December 21, 2022. Day 300 of Putin’s “special military operation” in #Ukraine. Part of my #RussianLanguage studies. New vocabulary that I’ve learned since the 24th of February. How sad.

21 декабря́, 2022-го го́да. 300-й день «специа́льной вое́нной опера́ции» Пу́тина в Украи́не. Часть своего́ изуче́ния ру́сского языка́. Но́вая ле́ксика, кото́рую я узна́л с 24-го Фебраля́. Как гру́стно.

#Z and #ZПатрио́т – Zed, derived from the phrase “за побе́ду” (za pobédu, “for victory”). Zed patriót: a person who unequivocally supports Russia’s military and the war in Ukraine. The letter Z doesn’t exist in the Russian alphabet. It is often colored in the orange and black stripes of the Ribbon of St. George, which had previously been used to honor Russian WW2 veterans but has since been adopted as part of Russia’s current propaganda.

o Painted white onto military vehicles to distinguish Russian military equipment from Ukrainian, since both armies still use Soviet era equipment

o Painted onto doors of Russians opposed to the war as a sign of intimidation

o #Zзаче́м? (Z zachyém)- Z why?, an anti-war symbol during protests

#Бахму́тскаяМясору́бка (Bakhmútskaya myasorúbka)– Bakhmut meat grinder, see also пу́шечное мя́со

#Беспило́тник (bespilótnik)– unmanned aerial vehicle, another word for дрон (drone), also дрон камика́дзе (drón kamidádze; kamikaze drone)

#Бе́женец (bézhenets)- refugee

#Бомбоубе́жище (bomboubyézhishche)– air raid (bomb) shelter

#Ва́тник (vátnik)– a standard issue padded winter jacket originally used by the Soviet military that was also distributed to prisoners of the gulags. The jacket became a black-eyed, disheveled, Sponge Bob-like internet meme as a pejorative for a steadfast, jingoistic follower of Russian propaganda.

#Госуда́рствоСпо́нсорТеррори́зма (gosudárstvo spónsor terrorísma)– state sponsor of terrorism

#Крыла́таяРаке́та (krilátaya rakyéta)– cruise missile

#Мобилизова́нный (человек) (mobilizávannii chelovyék) - a mobilized one (person)

#Мо́бик (móbik) - slang word for a mobilized person

#НетМогилиза́ции (nyet mogilizátsii)- No to grave-ization. A play on the words мобилиза́ция (mobilization) and моги́ла (grave). In Russia, used as an internet meme calling for protests against mobilization

#Присоедине́ние (Донба́сса к Росси́и) (prisoedinyénie Donbássa k Rossíi)– annexation (of Donbass to [by] Russia)

#Пу́шечноеМя́со (púshechnoe myáso)— cannon-fodder, literally cannon meat

#Радиоакти́вныеОса́дки (radioactívnie osádki) - nuclear fallout, literally radioactive precipitation

#Спецопера́зия (spezoperázia)– contraction of the two words специа́льная (special) опера́ция (operation). Long form: специа́льная вое́нная опера́ция (spetziálnaya voénnaya operátsia), special military operation. Russian abbreviation: СВО.

#я́дернаяВойна́ (yádernaya voiná) - nuclear war

#я́дерноеОру́жие (yádernoye orúzhie)- nuclear weapon

#Russia, #Russian
#Україна, #Украина

Maps from the New York Times and the Institute For The Study of War.