Tout frais dans #PLoSCompBiol, le travail de notre équipe initié par Corentin Boennec et repris par Alex Massey.

Real-time forecasting of COVID-19-related hospital strain in France using a non-Markovian mechanistic model


Ten simple rules for organizations to support research data sharing, by Robin Champieux et al. in @PLOS Computational Biology

#DataSharing #OpenData #OpenScience #ResearchData #10SimpleRules #PLOSCompBiol

Francis Ouellette

From @PLOS #ComputationalBiology | Establishing effective cross-disciplinary collaboration: Combining simple rules for reproducible computational research, a good data management plan, and good research practice | #notTSR but #thirtyninegreatrules #PLOSCompBiol #bioinformatics |

Marc Robinson-Rechavi

So I just discovered that a bot I set up ages ago to tweet papers I edited at #PLOSone still works, and tweeted yesterday the first paper I edited at #PLoSCompBiol @PLOS

Albert Cardona

@drtnowotny Welcome! Big fan of these #neuroscience papers of yours:

"#Learning with reinforcement prediction errors in a model of the #Drosophila mushroom body"
Bennett et al. 2021

"Non-synaptic interactions between olfactory receptor neurons, a possible key feature of odor processing in flies"
Pannunzi & @drnowotny 2021