Hao Yin

Happy to report our review in Current Atherosclerosis Reports!

#Telomere Length: Implications for Atherogenesis

by me & my supervisor Dr. J. Geoffrey Pickering

TL as a biomarker & causal factor for ASCVD
Evidence from seminal studies, incld #UKBiobank #TOPMed

Pierre Lindenbaum

nature.com/articles/s41588-022 "Powerful, scalable and resource-efficient meta-analysis of #rareVariant associations in large whole genome sequencing studies" #wgs #genetics #genomics #bioinformatics #MetaSTAAR performs rare variant meta-analysis at scale and produces results comparable to using pooled data. We further demonstrate that MetaSTAAR is scalable to biobank-scale cohorts through meta-analysis of #TOPMed WGS data and #UKBiobank WES data of ~200,000 samples.