Daniel Dvorkin

There are a number of panicky Facebook posts, to which I will not link, going around about the "shocking" discovery that #mRNA #vaccines cross the #placental barrier. Which really shouldn't be a surprise to anyone, but #antivaxers gonna #antivax.

Okay, the discovery is real enough. Here's a direct link: sciencedirect.com/science/arti Click the "View PDF" button at the top, just above the journal title, to read the full article. Note that this is a pre-print version, meaning there may be some typos and such, but nothing that's likely to change the results.

The problem is ... well, there's no problem here! #Maternal #immunity, however acquired, is routinely passed on to #fetuses: we're all born with #immune systems primed to deal with whatever #diseases our mothers have encountered, and that's a *good thing*.

Of course antivaxers who freak out about any occurrence of the abbreviation "mRNA," like the same people often freak out about the word "pronoun" or the "cis-" and "trans-" prefixes, think this is somehow evil.

It's not. It means *fewer dead kids*. These people would literally rather kill their children than learn anything that contradicts their ideology.


But in a March letter to #AMVAC, #EPA ofcls wrote that this voluntary step was not sufficient to protect #farmworkers & others exposed to the #herbicide. The ofcls wrote that changes to #thyroid hormone levels in the #fetuses of #pregnant rats exposed to #DCPA suggested “serious #risks of concern in #humans.”

…The #EmergencyAction order Tues suspends all registrations of the #pesticide….

#Health #PublicHealth #climate #farmers #agriculture


#RepublicanParty #platform ahead of natl convention does not call for federal ban on abortion, but supports states establishing #fetalpersonhood through #Constitution’s #14thAmendment which grants equal protection under the law to all American citizens. If established by legislation #fetalpersonhood would have practical effect of prohibiting abortion at all stages of pregnancy. Its impact could become national if courts affirm state-level laws that extend application of #14thAmendment #fetuses.


Once on the bench, Parker routinely invoked #scripture, criticizing peers who didn’t.

“When judges don’t rule in the fear of the Lord, everything’s falling apart,”he once wrote, per a 2014 ProPublica investigation. “The whole world is coming unglued.”

He frequently heard cases that allowed him to opine on #fetuses & human #life.

“Today, the only major area in which unborn children are denied #legal protection is #abortion,” he wrote in 1 case, “& that denial is only because of… #Roe.”


Steven Saus [he/him]


From 02 Nov: Bizarre blip: Cases of fetuses with flipped organs quadrupled in China - Enlarge / A nurse is on night shift at the emergency clinic of the International Peace Mat... arstechnica.com/health/2023/11 #china #covid-19 #fetuses #health #nejm #organs #pregnancy #science #shanghai #situs-inversus

Scientific Frontline

The atlas was produced using over 2,500 3-dimensional #ultrasound (3D US) #brain scans that were acquired serially during pregnancy from 2,194 #fetuses in the INTERGROWTH-21st Project, which is a large population-based study of healthy #pregnant women living in eight diverse geographical regions of the world
#Neuroscience #Biology #sflorg

First digital atlas of human fetal brain development published

The atlas was produced using over 2,500 3-dimensional…


""#aborted #fetuses are not #technically #lives and it's #harmful and not #medically #accurate to refer to them that way" and "#people who have early #miscarriages of wanted #pregnancies are still #allowed to grieve and consider them their #child" are two #statements that can and should #coexist"

""people who made the difficult #decision to have an #abortion #because it's right for them and their #situation are still allowed to grieve how things could have been if their #circumstances had been different" is another statement that should be added"

#ausgov #politas


Anarchist Meme Collective

"aborted fetuses are not technically lives and it's…

Danny Boling ☮️

"#Pictures convey reality in a way that words cannot. One of these days, the #parents of #children #murdered in a #SchoolShooting may make the same decision Mamie #Till did of her son #Emmett in 1955."

Yes, it'd be awful. But it'd also get people's attention, like "pro-lifers" did when they started holding up graphic pictures of #aborted #fetuses at their demonstrations.

It Is Time to Show the American People Photographs of Children #Massacred by #GunViolence


It Is Time to Show the American People Photographs of Children Massacred by Gun Violence

Pictures convey reality in a way that words cannot.…

US Dept of Shitposting

I'm starting to see things from the #LunaticFringe #GQP is that several large food and beverage makers use #aborted #fetuses as ingredients in their food.

Applying a bit of #critical #thinking to this, and it strikes me that this would not be a very cost effective food additive. And that is without even questioning what value it could add to food production...