Jack Stephens

@shanselman RE #hanselMinutes E903.(continued)
Success for any #union help out the other unions. Our union has gone over 400 days without a contract. The employer didn't appear to bargain in good faith until after the #teamsters deal earlier this week.
Success for #sag & #wag can flow down to other unions.

Jack Stephens

@shanselman RE #hanselMinutes E903.
I was talking to my brother about what it took to live as an actor shortly before the #sag #wga #strike. The life of a working actor is brutal, you can make a living in #LA, but you may need a roommate and be ready to got to Toronto tomorrow for some random job.

Mikael Hansson

I really enjoy listening to the #Hanselminutes #podcast @shanselman - I love your curiosity and your focus on the human aspects that often seem to get missed when interviewing techy people. Keep it up!

Ian Clark

@shanselman Always enjoy your podcast, but this one was exceptional. Thank you both for doing this episode. Loved Zenzo's idea of a family cast at some point in the future.

#podcast #hanselminutes

That Blair Guy

Listening to #hanselminutes 872 today with @nova

It was a fun, engaging episode. And then @shanselman seems to dismiss the idea he's an influencer.

Perhaps you don't think of yourself as one sir; but you most definitely are.


Hachyderm's Kris Nova on running a Mastodon Server

Scott talks with Kris Nova who has been building and…

Brian Beach has moved

Unexpected blast from the past listening to @shanselman interview Mekka Williams. She and I both used the SL-1 language in our first jobs out of college, and we both used it to program telecom equipment.

I was a Bell Northern Research from 1979 to 1983, programming the SL-1 private branch exchange (PBX). I remember debugging by setting breakpoints using a hardware debugging card with 16 red LEDs and 16 switches to specify the address.


#sl1 #telecom #firstjob #hanselminutes

Do I stay or do I go? - Tech career advice with Mekka Williams

The Hanselminutes Podcast by Scott Hanselman - Fresh…
