
A system doesn't ***feed*** on #order (or #negentropy) from the environment it has to ***create*** it.

You can't get your desk organized by just acquiring some order from the environment. You have to do some #work and use some of your #free_energy. Schrödinger admits as much:

Camille - stature de tragédien

@nizarus @BarbeauLyse
C'est quand même triste, ça veut dire que le secteur du bâtiment ne voit plus que le profit...
Le m2 bâti est plus rentable que le m2 confortable...
On dispose encore de beaucoup trop d'énergie gratuite...
Quand on en aura moins le m2 bâti sera moins rentable et le promoteur nous chantera les louanges des m2 laissés à la nature 😅
#negentropy 🤘

Mark W. Cooper

Schroedinger's negative entropy, and therefore life, might be able to persist forever. Life is the most creative process in the universe. The living world's diversity and complexity is THE bottom line.

Link to story:

#negentropy #NegativeEntropy #life #thermodynamics #ScienceNews #physics #biology #entropy #cosmology #complexity #ecology