The Krononaut Moon Project 🌑

…"technique of local #sparsification on experiment graphs, using which we answer a crucial open question in experimental #quantum #optics, namely whether certain complex entangled quantum states can be constructed. This provides us with more insights into quantum resource theory [and] the limitation of specific quantum #photonic systems"…

🔗 Tooted by @quantumjournal.

#Time #Timelessness #TimeTravel

Quantum Journal (

Attached: 1 image New #Paper published in Quantum:…
Luis M. Rocha

So happy to finally see this collaboration with Rion Correia and @alainbarrat out. The distance backbone is a unique, algebraically-principled network subgraph that preserves all shortest paths. We were were excited to find out (with #sociopatterns and other data) that the backbones of #socialnetworks contain large amounts of redundant interactions that can be removed with very little impact on #communitystructure and #epidemic spread.

#complexsystems #dynamics
#Networkscience #Sparsification #complexnetworks

Contact networks have small metric backbones that maintain community structure and are primary transmission subgraphs

Author summary It is through social networks that contagious…
Luis M. Rocha

If you are interested in network #sparsification methods, come see Felipe Xavier Costa show that distance #backbones can be applied to #directedgraphs, session 3C at #ComplexNetworks 2022.