MusiqueNow :pride: ✡️ 🇵🇸 :anarchismhebrew:

#TinyD and his morons want to ...wait for it...(ready?)... BAN #Cubans (!) and other nationalities from owning land or property.


So, to the #CubanAmericans who also happen to be #farright...First they came for...

#DeSantis #fascism #authoritarianism #FL #Florida #DerSantis

MusiqueNow :pride: ✡️ 🇵🇸 :anarchismhebrew:

#FloridaTeacher being investigated for 'indoctrinating' students with #Disney Cartoon

Where's #Biden?

Give a #fascist an inch, they will take a mile!!!! Where are the feds? How long are feds, etc going to just sit on their tukus ?

#FL #Florida #DeSatan #TinyD #DeSantis #LGBTQIAplus #LGBTQ


@uspolitics #TinyD is going to be too busy fighting Mickey Mouse to the death to run an effective campaign. In all seriousness, I don't see any plausible way he can defeat Trump for the GOP nomination.


#TinyD is clearly not ready for prime-time. The man has the personality of a warm glass of shit, and the abrasiveness of coarse sandpaper. If he can't handle a reporter asking him about that time he participated in the #torture of extrajudicial detainees at Guantanamo Bay, how is he going to handle leading the free world?

#DeSantis #RepublicansAreTheProblem #GOPfascists

Ron DeSantis blows up at reporter over question about Guantanamo Bay prisoner claims

Florida governor has faced increased media scrutiny…
Beach Slug

Ruby Ridge 2: Mar A Lago Boogaloo

#FLgov Ron DeSantis says he will not comply with any extradition request to bring #Trump to justice.

#TrumpIndictment #TinyD

MusiqueNow :pride: ✡️ 🇵🇸 :anarchismhebrew:


What the FUCK is wrong with this yutz?!



DeSantis was an assistant urinalysis coordinator in the service, not a fighter pilot. #SHOCKING 😂 #LDE #TinyD

ZZ Bottom

#RhondaSantis is really the best way to describe #TinyD or in other words, #MeatballRon or to say his real name, #DiSatan