Hello Qoto! Is this the instance I am looking for? Can I discuss controversial topics on either side of the argument? Is anything off topic? Can I criticize things or are there some golden calves I need to avoid?
@theodraxis I am kind of literal, and it has a tendency to make interpreting loosely defined boundaries difficult for me. Let me know if you see me going too far.
@Absinthe Nothing is off limits, you can share opinions on either side of a topic. We wont ban or give you trouble simply for an unpopular opinion. All we ask is you are polite and respectful in how you engage in those expressions of opinion. As long as you do that you will be good!
@freemo dank je.. I will proceed with such in mind.
I find it to be pretty reasonable to discuss things in a mature way here, despite differences between us. This is a STEM instance so everything, as in the scientific endeavor, is subject to inquiry. Respectfully, of course. I would yes say as long it isn't too far "off-topic."